6 MAY 1966, Page 14

Campaign on Rhodesia

SIR,—The Anti-Apartheid Movement is embarking on a major campaign which we believe will command the immediate sympathy of many of your readers and will involve us in heavy expenditure. This is a campaign on Rhodesia—perhaps the most urgent issue before the British public and certainly the most urgent to the people of Africa.

We are running a campaign to culminate in a 'Freedom for Rhodesia' month in June, demanding immediate mandatory economic sanctions against Rhodesia through the United Nations, that such sanctions be complied with by all states and that preparations be made for the establishment of a free and independent Rhodesia based on majority rule. This campaign involves the collection of signa- tures for a prayer to the House of Commons, dis- tribution of leafleti and posters, and the organisa- tion of public meetings and demonstrations through- out the country, including a rally in Trafalgar Square on June 26.

We need funds to run this campaign, and for the two special issues of Anti-Apartheid News (in May and June). We earnestly appeal to all sympathisers with the cause of Southern African freedom to send as large a donation as they can afford to 'Rhodesia Appeal,' Anti-Apartheid Movement, 89 Charlotte Street, London, WI.

89 Charlotte Street, London, WI