Below the salt
From Mr Freddie Sinclair Andrews Sir: I know nothing about the human head letting off steam (And another thing, 25 March).
However, I do recall that on a flight from Paris in a small aircraft, one of the male passengers with an immense flying phobia suddenly clutched the nearest hand (which happened to be mine) and proceeded to sweat with fear to such an extent that the perspiration seeped through the upper leather of his shoes, leaving a rather pretty tidemark of salt as it evaporated.
Is this the first recorded detail of such an event, the facts of which can be corroborat- ed by my wife, who took a keen interest in seeing me sitting there holding another man's hand?
Our sympathy was apparent when, on landing, we learnt that this poor wrung rag of a man's job entailed extensive world- wide flying.
`So, Jehovah, you say this man drove straight into you. Got any witnesses?' The one helpful tip came from a cockney fellow passenger who suggested, 'Why not buy a pair of white shoes, chum?'
Freddie Sinclair Andrews
Salonika, Greece