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SWITZERLAND.—The JOU77341 des Baba& publishes, in an extraordinary edition, a report of the last effort made by the Deputies of the several Cantons to arrange their differences amicably.
On the evening of the 27th October, a conference took place between deputations selected on both sides. The Canton of St. Gall acted as me- diator: its Deputy, M. Nceft, proposed to refer the question of the expul- sion of the Jesuits to the Pope. M. Bernard Meyer, on behalf of the Son- derbund, acceded to this; and an arrangement seeming probable on such basis, the meeting adjourned to allow the Deputies to consult their friends.
In the mean time, the meeting of the Diet was postponed until the 29th. The deputations again met on the 28th; and the Deputy of Lucerne re- newed, in the name of the Sonderbund, the proposition of M. Nceft. M.
Munzinger objected, that the arbitration of the Pope would not be accepted by the Protestant Cantons; and M. Ferrer declared that the Diet could only go so far as to consent that the Seven Cantons should send a deputation to Rome to solicit his Holiness to recall the Jesuits. M. Bernard Meyer replied, that such a measure would be se- • perfinous, as the Cantons had already the power of removing them; and he asked what guarantee the majority would offer for the independence of the Cantonal sovereignty, if the Jesuits were dismissed as required? To this no reply was given. M. Meyer again proposed that a negotiation should be opened with the Diet, based upon the proposition of a reference to the Pope, but without laying down such reference as an ultimatum; both parties in the mean time to disband their troops. To this M. Furrer demurred on the part of the Diet; adding, that the Diet had no propo- sition to make, but merely desired to hear what the Deputies of the League had to propose. On this, M. Bernard Meyer rose and said—" It only re- mains for us to depart. Your plan is evident, and we will not consent to be rendered accomplices to it. You answer for nothing, pledge yourselves to nothing. Your only purpose in negotiating is to gain time to concen- trate your forces; and, when they are ready, they will fall upon us and crush us. We must not play such a game." The Deputies thereupon rose, and separated.
On the following day, in the Diet, the same propositions were formally put, and rejected by a majority of 12. The Deputy from Lucerne then
read to the Diet, in the name of the Seven Cantons, a solemn declaration, couched in temperate language, defending the course pursued by the League. This done, the Deputies of the Sonderbund rose together, left the assembly in a body, and immediately afterwards quitted Berne, for their respective Cantons.
The news that the conference had failed created much commotion at Geneva. The courier who brought the news also carried the instructions from the Vorort to call out the contingent. Some battalions, with artillery, had already marched; and in the Canton of Vaud, so great was the excite- ment that already 13,000 men were under arms. A collision between the two armies was expected to take place from hour to hour; but no orders for attack had been given on either side.
The legislative body of Neufchatel, which met on the 29th, decided, by a vote of 73 against 12, that the troops of that Canton should not march against the Sonderbund. Bale City has taken the same position.
The Austrian Minister in Switzerland had retired. Before doing so, he addressed a letter to the Berne Gazette for the purpose of correcting a mis- taken report made by the authorities Of Zurich on the subject of his with- drawal. M. Kaiserfeld declared that his Government had given him orders to quit Switzerland the moment that hostilities should break out; and he further declared, that in such a state of things the Austrian Government, if it wished to have a representative to the Diet, ought also to have one at the Sonderbund. M. Kaiserfeld has taken up his residence at Feldkirch, in the Voralberg. The Prussian Minister had retired to Neufchatel; having previously addressed to the Government of Berne, in the name of King Frederick William, the expression of a wish that the troops should not be called out.
Iesix.—Letters from Rome announce the return of Cardinal Ferretti to that city, on the 20th October. The population went out to meet him, and escorted him to the Quirinal.
On the 22d, the arrest was taken off the Prince of Canino. 'The result of Chekib Effendi's mission to Rome has been, that the Pope, moved by the Sultan's solicitations that the Christians of Lebanon should be under the protection of the Holy See, has reestablished the office of Patri- arch of Jerusalem. The trust has been confided to a missionary priest. There have been some slight popular disturbances at Turin, but nothing serious has resulted.
The Sardinian Government has submitted to the Council of State pro- jects of law for the suppression of riotous assemblages, for the establish- ment of a Supreme Court of Cessation, for a revision and a liberal con- struction of the tariff-customs of duties, and for a postal reform, including a delivery of letters on Sundays.
The Patria of Florence, dated the 26th October, announces the entrance of the Modenese troops into Fivizzano, by way of Gallicano. The Mo- denese Commissioner Azzi took possession in the face of a protest from the Tuscan Commissioner Bianchini.
The insurrection in Naples seems for the time to be suppressed. SPAIN.—Another Ministerial change has occurred at Madrid. On the
24th October, the Gazette gave to the world Royal decrees relieving General Narvaez from the portfolio of Foreign Affairs, and appointing the Duke de Sotomayor as his successor. Seiler Beltrand de Lis has been gazetted as Minister of Marine. Narvaez still retains the Presidency of the Council, and is about to take the War Department in addition to it.
Sefior °liven succeeds General Roe de Olano as Minister of Public Instruc- tion; and Roe goes as Governor-General to the Philippine Islands. Queen Christina is said to rule everything in Madrid, and some think that she is endeavouring to get rid of Narvaez himself.
Meanwhile, the fame of reconciliation goes on in the Palace. The Queen, described as looking serious and out of spirits drives about in an open carriage with her husband; who has grown exceedingly fat.
hima.—The extraordinary express in anticipation of the overland mail has arrived, bringing intelligence from Bombay to the 30th September, From Calcutta the dates are to the 16th, and from Madras to the 20th of the same month.
The utmost tranquillity prevailed throughout India.
The Governor-General was to leave the hills early in October. Pro- ceeding first to Cawnpore, he was to attempt a settlement of the affairs of Gude. The King was to be offered a handsome pension, on condition of his ceding all political authority into our bands; or in the event of his re- fusel, the alternative of being left entirely to his own resources by the withdrawal of our support. The Nizam's Government was to be made the subject of a somewhat similar offer.
In the Punjaub, the removal of the Ranee had not caused the slightest popular commotion. The Durbar had issued two proclamations, one abo- lishing infanticide and suttee, and the other announcing the suppression of forced labour. The state of Colonel Lawrence's health was such as to re- quire a visit to England. According to report, his post would be filled in the mean time by Sir Frederick Currie.
Mr. Pringle, of the Civil Service, had replaced Sir Charles Napier in Seinde, with the rank of Commissioner, and a salary of 6,000L Doongur Singh, the Deceit chief, had at length been captured in 144- pootana.
Both at Calcutta and Madras there was some improvement in trade.