The English Stock Market has presented the same inanimate appearance that we noticed last week, and the transactions have not been numerous; it is, however, expected that the meeting of Parliament will promote specula- tion. On Monday it was a close holyday at the Stook Exchange and Trans- fer Offices at the Bank of England. On Tuesday Consols opened at 1001 (the closing price of Saturday,) and 'continued without the least variation until yesterday, when an improvement of 1 was established, on the receipt of higher prices from Paris. Today they have returned to their former quo- tation, and close 1001 f. Exchequer Bills, Bank and India Stooks, have not altered during the week. Foreign Securities have been very little dealt in ; but prices generally have been maintained, with an improvement of 1 in Danish Five per Cents, Dutch Two-and-a-half, and Four per Cents, and I in Spanish Three per Cents. Turkish Scrip has declined, owing to speculative sales : the variations have been less numerous. On Tuesday it was depressed at 31, and without any rally closed heavily yesterday at 2f 3 premium ; today it leaves off at the same, with business transacted at 21.{ 1. Tele- graphic amounts from Consti:ntinople, by way of Vienna, arrtved on Mon- day, confirming the prospects of the arrangement we described last week with respect to the indemnity granted by the Sultan to the subscribers to this loan ; and letters were yesterday received from Constantinople, dated 21st October ; but in the absence of others of intermediate date, little addi- tional information has been obtained on the question of the loan. They were not considered favourable, as they do not mention the proposed in- demnity of 7f per cent. Although the belief is still popular that this has been decided upon and will ultimately be paid, there are fears that it has been opposed by some of the neighbouring powers. Swedish Scrip, that closed on Saturday at 1 discount to f premium, has been heavy ; it was done at discount on Wednesday, from winch there has been no reaction. It closes this afternoon at 1 discount to par. Mexican declined to 241 1 on the arrival of the mail-packet on Tuesday, but has since rallied to 241 51. The remit- tance by this vessel on account of the dividends amounted to 28,676 dollars. In the Share Market, Railway Stocks have not been extensively dealt in. They were tolerably firm at the commencement of the week, but the highest quotations have not been maintained in many respects. There was a meet- ing on Wednesday of the London and North-western Railway proprietors, on the subject of Amalgamation with the Midland Company ; and it was agreed to apply to Parliament for an act ; the terms to be arranged when the value of the Imes shall have been ascertained by three competent parties. In connexion with this meeting, London and North-western Stock rose to 1251, and Midland to 801,• but both afterwards became flatter. At the close of the market yesterday, there was a difference in value in some of the lead- ing Stooks, compared with Saturday last, to the following extent. Increase —Scottish Central, 41. ; Bristol and Exeter, 31. ; Caledonian, 2/. 10s. ; Scot- tish Midland, 11. 10s.; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 11.; Mid- land, 15s.; Great Northern, and London and North-western, 10s. Decrease —Chester and Holyhead, and Great Western, 11. ; South-eastern, 21. 58. There has been a great demand for French Shares, and the following is the addition to their value this week—Rouen and Havre, 41.; Paris and Stras- bourg, 31. 15s. • Northern of France, and Paris and Rouen, 31. 10s. ; Paris and Orleans, 31. ; Lyons and Avignon, 21. ; Paris and Lyons, 11. 108. Today there has been a quiet market, with little business doing in English or Fo- teign lines. SATERDAT TIMER &Orem.
There is nothing doing in the English Funds this morning, and the quota- tions are the same as yesterday : Consols for Money and the Account 1001 1. In Foreign Stocks prices are quite nominal. No bargains have yet taken place in Turkish Scrip, which Is 2 3 premium : Swedish Loan 1 discount to
par. Railway Stocks present no particular feature, but there have been transactions in the following—Caledonian, 571; 'Ditto 10/. Preference, 102; Eastern Counties, 121; Great Western, 96.
SATURDAY Two °Timex.
The English Stock Market has continued precisely in the same state. Consols for Money and the Account 1001 4. In Foreign Stocks, Chilian has improved 1 per cent, being now 105 7. Mexican and Spanish Deferred are both ig higher,. Turkish Scrip is 1 lower, leaving off very heavy at llz 2 premium, with business done at 24, 2, #, 2, 1/. Swedish is fiat at 11 1 discount. In the Share Market, Railway Stocks have been rather lively, with an ad- vance of 10s. in London and North-western and Great Western. Bristol and Exeter, 106; Caledonian, 58; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 41,; Eastern Counties, 124; Eastern Union, Class A. late E. U. Shares, 101; Ditto B. and C., 7 ; East Lancashire, 79; Edinburgh and Glas- gow, 761; Great Northern Half-shares A. Deferred, 48 ; DittoHalf-shares, B 6 per Cent, 119; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 504; Great Western, 96# ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 87# ; Ditto Fifths, 111; London and Blackwall, 84 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 106 ; London and North-western, 1251; London and South-western, 934; Manchester, Shef- field, and Lincolnshire, 321; Midland, 791; Norfolk, 49; North British, 37 ; North Staffordshire, 13; Scottish Central, 91 ; Scottish Midland, 604; Shrewsbury and Birmingham Class A, 681 ; South Devon, 22 ; South- eastern, 79; York and North Midland, 64; Buckinghamshire, 110; London and Greenwich, 141; Royston and Kitchen, 160 ; Caledonian, 102 ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 127; Midland Consolidated Bristol and Birming- ham, 6 per Cent, 149; Norfolk Extension, 224; North British, 102; South Devon, 16 ; York and North Midland, H. and S. Purchase, 104 ; East Indian, 29 ; Northern of France, 374; Paris and Lyons, 31; Paris and Rouen, 411; Paris and Strasbourg, 37t; Rouen and Havre, 221; Sambre and Meuse, 104. Mines—Cobra Copper, 431; United Mexican, 81. hint Stock Banks—Colo- nial, 151; Union of Australia, 53; Ditto New, 64.
3 per Ceat Console 100 Danish 3 per Cents 82 4 Ditto for Account 100 Dutch 24 per Cents 644 5 3 per Cent Reduced 99 Ditto 4 per Cents 96 7 31 per Cents 10 Mexican 8 per Cents 25
Long Annuities 6 7-16 4 Peruvian 6 per Cents 103
Bank Stock 223 4 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824.. 101 2 Exchequer Bills 74 77 Russian 5 per Cents 118 20 India Stock 274 6 Ditto 44 per Cents 104 5 Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 51 2
Belgian 44 per Cents 95 6 ex d. Ditto Deferred 25 4
Chili= 6 per Cents 105 7 Sardinian 5 per Cent 97 84 Danish 5 per Cents 105 6 Austrian Scrip 44 54 pm