6 NOVEMBER 1953, Page 14

Letters to the editor


Sta,—The official report published jointly by the British Medical Association and the Magistrates Association made it quite clear that experience proved that to give homo- sexuals prison sentences without proper treatment was seriously to worsen their already dangerous condition. If this mental state is " catching," as the Home Secretary's much publicised campaign suggests, then most grave responsibility rests upon enforcers of the Law ,and the Prison Commissioners alike for the dangers to the youth of the nation which they have propagated for generations in their Prisons, Borstals and Approved Schools.

. Parents, the medical profession and all concerned should voice a strong reminder to the Home Secretary of the dangers which he proposes to let loose by defying the opinions of the specialists. They should demand of their M.P. that prison sentences must, in every case, be accompanied by genuine efforts to cure by every therapy known to science. If, as it is sometimes suggested, there is no cure, then Society should face the problem realistically.—Yours faithfully,