Hell in Korea
What has happened to the conscience of civilised people to make it possible for the hideous farce of the Communist " explanations " to prisoners at Indian Village in Korea to go on without some outburst of indignation in the outside world ? Day after day unwilling North Korean and Chinese prisoners are dragged struggling, screaming and spitting before the Com- munist interrogators, subjected to a process for which the word " explanation " is the most ghastly euphemism, and then, in the vast majority of cases taken back to the routine miseries of the prison camps. Spying, and bullying go on all the time; murders have taken place; punishment of the worst offenders against the necessary camp rules is always being dealt out. Sometimes, though miraculously seldom, that punishment is sudden death, as in the case of the Chinese prisoner who, on Monday, was shot by the guards, after repeated warnings, when breaking out from a closed compound. It is a picture of hell on earth. The whole idea of " explanations " to unwilling prisoners was wrong from the start. No doubt the United Nations negotiators who agreed to it had the excuse that they had to stop the war. But for the Communists there is no excuse. The whole episode is one more demonstration of their indifference to human suffering. The fact that many of the prisoners themselves make the worst of the situation is certainly no excuse. The blame lies with those who first invented this horrible device called " explanations."