6 NOVEMBER 1971, Page 21

After the debate

Sir: Mr Ernst Wistrich, of the European Movement, informs us (Letters, October 30) of the important fact that he came to this country from Poland, not as a refugee, but to complete his education, thirty-four years ago. All the same, I dare guess that had he stayed in Poland he would have found further education superfluous, while he was sheltered here in this home of freedom. I Was born in Austria, but would be ashamed to accept a salary to Work for the abolition of this 90Untry's independence and hand its government over to the countrymen of ' Hitler, Mussolini and Laval.

G. J. A. Stern ,6 Eton Court, Shepherds Hill, London N6 Sir: The true Conservative party numbers thirty-nine. This was made Clear by the voting on October 28, When, with the aid of numerous Pro-marketeers, many of whom doubtless want a socialist republic Of Europe, Mr Heath obtained from 1-inmandated MPs a 112 majority for entry into the EEC. The conservative party was grievously adulterated under the disastrous Fabian-type leadership 01 Harold Macmillan. If it now Provides the government directly responsible for jettisoning 700 Years of developing parliamentary by and subordinating rule ay Queen in Parliament to that of a supra-national authority in which Britain could never have more than a very minority vote, the Conservative party, whether fairly or not, will be held primarily guilty bY an unconsulted electorate and rnust suffer the consequences. However, in spite of the Lornmons vote, which followed an tlt1Precedented campaign of brainwashing and heavily slanted proPaganda, financed by powerful vested interests and unwilling taxpayers, the battle has by no !teens been lost. It is now Incumbent on all true Conservatives, indeed all true Britons, ,(:) fight to the last ditch in every ,egitimate way to prevent the sellout to international finance and a Politically unstable Six. Apathy until the eleventh hour is L British trait, and perhaps Mr wiedgwood Benn was prophetic w,00ri, during the debate, he said the Prime Minister would unleash the biggest constitutional and

political struggle seen in this country for many years, and that he had forgotten the British people, who in the end would have their way.

L. M. Hopkins

Wick Crest, Devizes, Wilts