WAR-OFFICE, October 2. Memorandum.—The half-pay of the undermentioned offi- cer has been cancelled from the 7th September 1932, inclusive, he having received commuted allowance fur his commission : Deputy- Assistant Commissary-Genera H. E. Head. The half-pay of the undermentioned officers has been cancelled from th, 2d inst., inclusive, they having accepted commuted allowances for their commissions . Cornet T. Coventry, half-pay 1st Dragoons ; Ensign D. Mackenzie, half-pay 381: Foot ; Assist.-Surg. G. Hickman, half-pay 98th Foot ; -Lieut. T. S. Price, half-pay Roy,. Waggon Train ; Ensign T. C. Kenyon, half-pay 10th Foot ; Lieut. A. H. Kelsey, lial; pay York Hussars ; Lieut. W. R. Meacock, half-pay 63d Foot ; Ensign V. Davys, halt pay 88th Foot ; Paymaster L. Castle, half-pay De Meuron's Regiment.
Oct. 5.—Memorandum—In addition to the distinctions formerly granted to the 25th Foot, his Majesty has been pleased to permit the Regiment to bear the White Horst:. and the motto "-Nee aspera torrent," in the fourth corner of the regimental colour. 14th Regt. of Light Dragoons : Cornet R. A. Lockhart to be Lieut., by purchase, vie, Bowyer, who retires ; Hon. B. C. Yelverton to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Lockhart- 21st Regt. of Foot : Second Lieut. F. G. Ainslie to be First Lieut., by purchase, vie,. Wightrnan, who retires-39th Foot : Lieut. G. C. Borough to be Captain, by pureliast,. vice Waldron. who retires-81st Foot : Lieut. J. B. Creagh to be Capt., by purchase, vice Hall, who retires ; Ensign W. H. C. Wellesley to be Lieut.. by purchase, vice Creagb ; R. Nicholson, Gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Wellesley-91st Foot: Ensign A. Campbell to be Adjutant, vice Brunker, promoted UnattaehedLieut. W. Rennie, from the 10th Foot, to be Capt. of Infantry, without purchase.
Hospital Staff—C. H. James, Gent., to be Assist.-Surgeon to the Forces, vice Brydou. deceased.
Memorandum—The appointment of Assist.-Surgeon M. L. Duigan, from balf-pay 57th Foot, to be Assist.-Surgeon to the Forces, which was stated to have taken place tat the 11th of July last, has not taken place. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE—OATS of HOylil Engineer.: Second Lieut. H. D. Harms to be First Lieut., vice Boscawen, deceased; Gent cadet3. ' lath in be Second laniki Gent. Cadet J, H. Payne to be ditto.