Qanoon.e-Islam ; or, the Customs of the Moosultnans of India. By O. Herklots,
M.D Parbury and Co. The K'Haunie Kineh-Walla ; or, Eastern Story-Teller. A Collection of Indian Tales. By John Shipp Longman and Co. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, Historical View of the Progress of Discovery on the more Northern Coasts of America, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time : by Patrick Fraser Tyner, Esq., F.R.S. and F.S.A. With Descriptive Sketches of the Natural II istory of the North American Regions : by James Wilson, Esq., F.R.S.E., &c. To which is added, an Appendix, containing Remarks on a late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a Vindication of Richard llakluyt. (Edinburgh Cabinet Library. No. IX) Olitcr and Boyd. POLITICAL ECONOMY,
Address to the Landowners of England, on the Corn-Laws. By Viscount
Milton. Ridgway.
A Treatise on the Epidemic Cholera, as it has prevailed in India; together with the Reports of the Medical Officers made to the -lledical Boards of the Presidencies, for the purpose of ascertaining a successful mode of treating that destructive Dis- ease, and a Critical Examination of all the WorkS that have appeared on the sub- ject. By Frederick Corbyn, Esq., M.R.C.S.L., &c. Ste. . ..... Thacker, Calcutta. PERIODICAL LITERATURE, Westminster Review, No, XXXIV Reward. INSANITY, Address to the British Nation on the Cure of Insanity. By James Lucett RM.