6 OCTOBER 1838, Page 7

Tuesday's Gazette announces that Mr. John Ralph Milbanke, now Secretary

to the Embassy at St. Petersburg, is to take the same office at Vienna; Mr. Henry Bulwer to go from Constantinople to St. Petersburg ; Mr. Charles Bankhead to leave Washington for Constan. Washington. ; and Mr. James Hudson to supply Mr. Bankhead's place at Washington. [It must be pleasant to a gentleman fond of variety, to travel at his country's expense some six or seven thousand miles. Mr. Henry Bulwer enjoys it vastly, we doubt not ; and though the country will not benefit greatly by the official services of a scampering diplo- matist, the public may expect a very pretty account of his experience in the East and North of Europe.] The following additional diplomatic appointments appear in last night's Gazette. The Honourable George Edgecumbe, now Secretary of Legation in Switzerland, is to go in the same capacity to Hanover ; Mr. Charles Magenta, First Attache to the Embassy at St. Peters- burg, to succeed Mr. Edgecumbe ; and Mr. John Henry David Fraser, First Attache to the Embassy at Vienna, to be Secretary of Legation at Florence.

Mr. Hudson the newly-appointed Secretary of Legation at Wash- ington, was resident Gentleman Usher and Private Secretary to her Majesty during the late reign, and brother to one of her Maids of Honour, who is included in the Royal suite to Malta.—Courier. [Surely this must be the gentleman who was despatched to bring Sir Robert Peel from Italy in 1834. Is it for that service he is now re- warded by Lord Palmerston ?]