Tuesday, Oct. 2.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Wilson and Mann, Ramsgate, school-proprietors- Brookes and Mason, Bilston, coal-masters—J. and F. Kipling, carpet-manufacturers —Gripper and Co. Basford, Nottinghamshire, brick-makers ; as far as regards T. C. Hine—Morton and Co. Oldham, drapers—Dunington and Co. Lenton, manufactureri —Gibb and Cavanagh, Manchester, jewellers—Beynon and Rogan, Liverpool, boat- builders—Richmond and Co. Plymouth, coach-builders; as far as regards It. rethick —G. and S. Pies, Liverpool, corn-merchants—Collings and Russell, Lower Thames Street, ship-brokers—The Cloggees Company, Over Darwen, Lancashire—Barnard
and Co. Cheapside, braid-manufacturers; as far as regards G. Burton-C. and S. Cook, Plymouth, milliners-Brown and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufactur- ers-Dodgeon and Whitaker. Burnley, machine.makers-Asbford and Co. Birming- ham, statopers-Avery and Co. Essex Street, Strand, patent-agents-Lumley and Bowe, Northallerton, brewers-Austin and Cooke, Maidstone, booksellers-Bremer and Co. Hull, and Thode and Co. Liverpool, ship-brokers-G. and R. Booty, Chi- chester, brewers-Wood and Adlard, Barbican, printers-J. C. and G. Sercombe, Exeter, merchants.
BANERTrTCY Astromans.-Huoir Waxen COOPER, Wakefield Street,Regent Street,
BarrEaorrs.-RICHARD MOOG ARNOLD, King Street, Covent Garden, cheese- monger, to aurrender Oct. 11, Nov. 12: solicitor, Chidley, Greshem Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildiag,s-Tnomas WAYLAND, Battersea, beer-shop- keeper, Oct. 11, Nov. 12: solicitor, Pam, Gresham Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-LYON Samna, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe, goldsmith, Oct. 11, Nov. 15: solicitors, Norton and Son. New Street, Bishopsgate; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-JOHN COOKE, Raven Row, Spitalfields. glass-manu- facturer. Oct. 13. Nov. 13: solicitor, Stubbs, Moorgate Street; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-lbenaan Horse, West Cowes, postmaster, Oct. 16, Nov. 20: so- licitor, Hamber, King's Arms Yard; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-GEoRos Persica, Derby, boot-manufacturer. Oct. 23, Nov. 6: solicitor, Bowley, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-Isamu BELCHER, Wolverhampton, auger. manufacturer. Oct. 15, Nov. 5: solicitors. Motteram and Knight, Birmingham ; Bolton, Wolverhampton; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Ricnaso Goon- wilt, Derby, grocer, Oct. 23, Nov. 6: solicitors, Pickering, Derby ; Reece, Birming- ham; official assignee, Harrison, Nottingham-Jamas KENYON' Blackburn, inn- keeper, Oct.19, Nov. 2: solicitors, Wilkinson, Blackburn; Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee, Elemaman, Manchester. Divmrsos.-Oct. 25. Kimpton, Liverpool, carrier-Oct 25, Williams, St. Asaph, Flintshire, joiner-Oct. 31. Kilner. Walsall, victualler-Oct. 31, Edwards and Cooper, Coventry, ironmongers-Oct. 31, M. and W. Johnson, Cheadle, grocers-Oct. 24, Weston, Market Harborough, tailor-Oct. 24, Bartlam, Wolverhampton, grocer. CERTIFICATES.- 7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Oct. 23, Flatt, Saxmundham, draper-Oct. 29, Sulivan, Great Yarmouth, ship-owner-Oct. 25, Krohn, Bread Street, merchant-Oct. 26, Selby and Norton, Town Mailing, scriveners-Oct. 24, Gittus, Isleham, Cambridgeshire, draper-Oct. 24, Backhouse, Lathons, Lancashire, timber-dealer-Oct 24, Ahlborn, Liverpool, toy-dealer-Oct. 23. Ross, Liverpool, draper-Oct. 23, Hall, Nottingham, broker- Oct. 23, Goodacre, Nottingham, grocer-Oct. 30, Taylor, Nottingham, hosier.
DECLARATIONS or DIVIDENDS.-Little, Liverpool, merchant; first div. of Is. 3d. Oct. 10, or any subsequent Wednesday; Turner. Liverpool-Jackson, Liverpool, draper ; first div. of 5s. Oct. 10, or any subsequent Wednesday; Turner, Liverpool-Fynney, Liverpool, corn-merchant; second dlr. of 2d. Oct. 10, or any subsequent Wednes- day; Turner, Liverpool.
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.- Robertson, Glasgow, grain-merchant, Oct. 11-Richard- son, Glasgow, patent-medicine-dealer, Oct. 10-Smith. Glasgow, dyer, Oct. 11- King. Borrowstownness, merchant, Oct. 12 -M'Donald, Glasgow, engraver, Oct. 9- Galbreath and Smith, Glasgow, ship-brokers, Oct. 11.
14iday, Oct. 5.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOT.YED.-Crooke and Carter, Liverpool, ship-brokers -Wash- bourn and Tuffiy, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, mailmen-Fry and Co. Comp- ton Street, Goswell Street, confectioners-T. and H. Smith, Chatham, tailors-Gil- strap and Co. Newark-upon-Trent, wine-merchants ; as far as regards J. Gilstrap- Newton, Brothers, :Friday Street, cigar-manufacturers; as far as regards W. Newton -T. and J. Haines, Portland Road, Maryielsone, painters-Milroy and Co. Plymouth, linen-drapers; as far as regards J. Brown-Pane. Liverpool, and Sinnot, Melbourne, Australia-Baldey and Son, Brighton, grocers-Hatton and Griesbach, Chancery Lane, law-stationers-Cross and Co. Farnworth, Lancashire. cotton-spinners-Grif- fiths and James, Tredegar Iron Works, Monmouthshire, candle-makers-Pearce and Son, Ludgate Hill, lamp-manufacturers-Black and Booth, Salford, British gun- manufacturers-Fowler and Fry, Bristol, agricultural-implement-makers-Young add Sturgis, Belsize Park. Hampstead, builders-Briggs and Co. china-manufactur- ers-J. and G. Owen. St. David's, Pembrokeshire, drapers-Hutton aud Rhind, New- castle-upon-Tyne, woollen-drapers-Davison and Co. Southwick, Sunderland, ship- builders-Garthwaite and Blackburn, Dewsbury, wheelwrights-Court and Wheler, Jernsyn Street, house-agents-White and Goody, Manchester, fustian-manufacturers -Hunt and James, Leeds, lithographers-E. and G. Hutson, Downham Market, Norfolk, stationers-Davies and Co. Long Acre, army-lacemen-Routh and Co. Ad- dington Wharf, Camberwell, white-zinc-manufacturers-Johnson and Son, Botolph Lane, orange-merchants-Westley and Jones, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn, boot- factors-Hounslow and Sfesher, Walton Street, Chelsea. builders-Ashford and Meeke, Birmingham, eating-house-keepers -Windeat and Taylor,Exeter, linen- drapers-Sharpies and Co. Blackburn, cotton-spinners-Stern and Pickersgill, Rood Lane, commission-agents-Douglas and Co. Tnnidad, and Ronald and Co. Glasgow, Merchants.
Ratinaurrs.-Haany Rem, and Jonas James Hama, London Street, Greenwich, upholsterers, to surrender Oct. 22, Nov. 16: solicitors, Lloyd and Rule. Milk Street; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Gusrava Loots LONCIFILS, Pil- grim Street, Ludgate Hill, merchant, Oct. 16, Nov. 15: solicitor, Brewer, Philpot Lane; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-CYPRIAR JANES Corraaatx, Abingdon, draper, Oct. 19, Nov. 19: solicitor, Jones, Sise Lane; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Wmuam FissiER, Stratford-upon-Avon, grocer, Oct. 19, Nov. 16: solicitors, Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon ; Hodgson, Birmingham; official as- signee, Christie, Birmingham -JOsEPII BRAITRWAITE, St. Mary's, Staffordshire, miller, Oct. 17, Nov. 7: solicitors, Robinson, Eceleshall; Wnghts, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-JOHN MAT, Barnstaple, manufacturer, Oct. DS, Nov. 21: solicitor, Stogdou, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter - Ilinutit Lea FRY, Plymouth, carver, Oct. 13, Nov. 12: solicitors, Edmonds and Sons, Plymouth ; Stogden, Exeter; official assignee, Stogdou, Exeter-GEORGE Tnomit- son, Enaresborough, leather-seller, Oct. 19, Nov. 16: solicitors, Kirby, Knares- borough ; Bade, Leeds; official assignee, Young Leeds -Wit.mast JEFFERS, Hull, cotton-spinner, Oct. 17, Nov. 14: solicitors, Wells and Smith, Hull ; official as-. s4nee,,Carrick, Hull-Tnomas Smern, Hull, grocer, Oct. 17, Nov. 14: solicitors, Weirs and Smith, Hull; official assignee. Carrick, Hull. DIVIDF.NDS.- Oct. 29, Clausen, Newman Street, Oxford Street, manufacturer-Oct. 30, Smith, Philpot Lane, tea-dealer-Oct. 30, Winder, Haymarket, tavern-keeper- Oat, 29, Kemp, Guildford, draper-Oct. 30, Hirschberg, Cbeapside, merchant-Oct. 29, Boss, Brighton, livery-stable-keeper-Oct. 30,Brettell, Little Marlborough Street, printer-Oct. 26, Coanop, New Finchley Road, bill-broker-Oct. 26, Forbes and Co. Broad Street, merchants-Oct. 31. Price and Edwards, Shrewsbury, bankers-Oct. 29, Room, Birmingham, metallic-bedstead-manufacturer-Dec. 10, Newey, Bir- mingham, grocer-Oct: 27, Armitage and Co. Sheffield, railway-springs-manufac- turers-Oct. 29, Michell, Liverpool, insurance-broker-Oct. 26, Jackson and Hey- wood, Droylesden' Lancashire, skein-printers. CERTIFICATES. -7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of mectini.—Oct. 26, Standing, Batten's Terrace, Peckham, china-dealer-Oct. 26, Goode, High Street, Borough, warehouseman-Oct. 26, Hutchins, Hungerford, Berkshire, butcher-Oct. 26, Grover, Strand, envelope-maker-Oct. 26, Philps, Green tanes, Highbury Park, carpenter-Oct. 26, Horenell, Chelmsford, ironmon- ger-Nov.12, Joseph, Merthyr Tydvil, victualler-Oct. 26, Howarths, Radcliffe, Lan- cashire, dyers. DEcLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.- Clench, Exeter, timber-dealer ; first div. of Is. qd. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-B. and W. Bray, Okehampton, nursery- gardeners ; first div. of 6s. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Miners, Red- ruth, grocer; first div. of Is. Sid. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Hutch- ings, Axminster, nurseryman; first div. of Os. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Elston, Crediton, boot-maker ; first div. of 5s. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday; Iiirtzel, Exetcr-Balkwill, Exeter, beet-maker; first div. of Is. 9d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Hussey, Plymouth, inn-keeper; first div. of is. any Tues- day or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Miners, Plymouth, grocer; first div, of Si. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Evans, Exeter, bookseller; second div. of 38. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Beringer, Penzance, silversmith ; first div. of Is. 101d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-H. and H. P. Talbot, Sid- mouth, druggists; first dlr. of 9s. 6d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter- Crocker, Weymouth, tallow-chandler ; div. of 3s. 3d. any Tuesday or Friday: Exeter-Fitze, Exeter, bookseller ; first div. of 48. 4d. any Tuesday or Friday ; iiirtzel. Exeter-J. and E. Edwards, Truro, jewellers ; first dm of 2.r. 7d. any Tams- day or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter.
SCOTCR SZOCESTRATIONS.- Walker, Maryhill, near Glasgow, baker, Oct. 16- Wallace, Perth, coach-builder, Oct. 19-Mitchell, Glasgow, commission-merchant, Oct 17-Smith, Glasgow, manufacturing-chemist, Oct. 17-Crooks, Glasgow, ware- houseman, Oct. 16.