The Gazette of last night contains a despatch from General
Simpson, enclosing lists of the names of those who are mentioned by Sir Colin Campbell, Lieutenant-General Markham, and Lieutenant-General Cod- rington, as distinguished at the taking of Sebastopol. The list, as far as regards the Second and Light Divisions, comprises not only officers but many noncommissioned officers and privates.
The Gazette also contains the following brevet promotions- " Major-General Sir William Eyre, K.C.B., to have the local rank cif Lieutenant-General in Turkey. Colonel Robert Garrett, of the 46th Foot, Brigadier-General in Turkey, to have the local rank of Major-General in Turkey. Colonel Frederick Horn, of the 20th Foot, to have the local rank of Brigadier-General in Turkey. Captain and Lieutenant-Colonel his Serene • Highness Prince William Augustus Edward of 'Saxe Weimar, of the 1st or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards, to be one of her Majesty's Aides-de- camp, with the rank of Colonel in the Army."