I. The following is an Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of the United Kingdom, in the undermentioned periods, ended September 30, 1855, compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals
HALF-YEAR ENDED Sept. 30, 1855.
Increase. Decrease.
£ £ 'Customs. 608,444 - Madge 869,263
'Stamps - 48,402 Taxes - 221,107 Property Tao 2,195,124 - Post-office
175,976 Crown Lands
- Miscellaneous 192910: - Totals 3,375,184 445,485 £2,929,699 £8,344,781 Net Increase. Net Increase.
An Account showing the Net Revenue and other Receipts of the Quarter ended the 30th of September 1855; the Application of the same, and the Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.
Surplus balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended June 30, 1855, viz.- Great Britain Ireland £390,907
Net Income received in the Quarter ended September 30, 1855, RS shown in Ac- count 1 Amount received in the Quarter ended September 30, 1855, in part of Loan of
16,000,0001. Amount of Exchequer Bills (Supply) issued in the Quarter ending September 30, 1835. to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, to redeem Ways and Means Bills held by them Amount received in the Quarter ending September 20, 1855, in repayment of advances for Public Works, &c Balance, being the Deficiency on the 30th September 1835, upon the Charge of the Consolidated Fund in Great Britain, to meet the Dividends and other Charges payable by the Quarter to December 31, 1855, and for which Ex-
-chequer Bills (Deficiency) will be issued in that Quarter 853,443
Amount applied out of the net Income for the Quarter ended September 30,1039. to g redemption of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) for the Quarter ended June 30, 1855 3,306,433 Amount applied to redemption of Ways and Means Bills Issued in the Quarter
ended June 30, 1855 1,710,000 Net Amount applied out of the Consolidated Fund to Supply Services in the
Quarter ended September 30,1855 14,024,840 Charge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ending September 30, 1855, Viz.-
Interest of the Permanent Debt 0,1582,596 Terminable Debt 1,397,412 Interest of Exchequer Bills (Deficiency) 2,677 Ditto (Ways and Means) 19,231 The Civil List 29,907 Other Charges on Consolidated Fund 327,307
Advances for Public Works, are 432,270 Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the auarter ended September 30, 1855, vie.-
Great Britain Ireland QUARTERS ENDED 31st Dec. 31st March 30th June 30th Sept.
185/. 1835. 1855. 1853.
£ £ E £ 5,699,967 4,728,111 5,465,466 5,713,674 4,391,582 2,758,465 4,613,568 4,946,776 1,786,769 1,865,314 1,838,300 1,604,165 1,270,408 216,854 1,316,400 111,374 826,589 5,906,637 2,177,889 4,338,646 277,234 329,923 289,267 261,757 80,000 66,000 63,000 66,516 178,177 213,361 325,772 188,557
14,510,726 16,114,665 16,079,662 17.431,465 QUARTERS ENDED
31st March 90th June 30th Sept.
1831. 1854. 1634.
£ £ E
4,411,766 5,221,445 5,349,231 2,319,101 3,978,299 5,212,782 1,721,151 1,773,358 1,707,609 109,095 1,515,304 133,577 2,018,588 1,976,355 2,545,056 303,000 384,000 343,000 65,000 65,. 00 61,572 284,742 100,326 154,594
11,232,443 15,074.087 15,507,341
Year ended Year ended 30th Sept. 30th Sept. 1855. 1854. 5,333,969 4,234,431 1,782,058 1,335,797 425,615 335,000 130,000 340,996 13,977,866 Totals Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous CuStOms Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office • Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals 31st Dec.
II. Increase and Decrease in the Quarter and Year ended September 30, 1855, and in the Six Months of the Financial Year ended September 30, 1865, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
QUARTER ENDED Sept. 0,1831.
Increase. Decrease.
'Customs Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Mfacellancous
£ X
364,423 - - 266,006 - 103,344 - 22,253 1,993,590 - 81,243 31;:g - Totals 472,796 2,396,920 21,607,218 20,316,431 16,710,391 15,744,613 7,084,548 6,984,076 2,915,036 3,153,773 13,449,761 6,965,614 1,138,181 1,365,000 275,316 321,572 935,867 940,638 64,136,518 55,791,737 £1,924,124 Net Increase.
YEAR ENDED Sept. 30, 1855.
Increase. Decrease.
1,290,787 965,778 100,472 238,737 6,484,147 206,819 46,056 4,791 8,841,184 496,403 320,583
7,8111,400 350,185 £27,283,358 320,007
17,431,465 5,668,000 2,700,000 209,444 26,399,816