Mr. Bentley is preparing for publication " Carthage and its Remains : being an Account of Excavations and Researches on the Site of the Phce- nician Metropolis in Africa and in other Adjacent Places," by Mr. N. Davis, of the British Museum.
Messrs. Longman and Co.'s latest list of announcements includes " Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith ; " " My Life, and What shall I Do with It," by " An Old Maid; " and " Everybody's Book, or Glean- ings, Serious and Entertaining, from the Scrap-book of a Septuage- narian," by J. H. Frec-se.
" The Past and Present Life of the Globe," by David Page, and " The Book of Farm Buildings, their Arrangement and Construction," by H. Stephens and R. H. Burn, are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Blackwood and Sons.
" The Life and Times of Antonio Paleario, or a History of the Italian Reformers in the Sixteenth Century ; illustrated by Original Letters and Inedited Documents," by Mrs. M. Young, is on the eve of publication by Messrs. Bell and Daldy.
A " Life of William Cobbett, Social, Literary, and Political, partly Autobiographical, and continued by his Son, James Paul Cobbett, Bar- rister," will be published in December next, by Messrs. R. Griffin and Co.
Mr. Roberts, of Exeter, has in the press a " History of the Cathedral Church at Exeter, with the Lives of the Bishops, and other Matter con- nected with its Ecclesiastical History," by the Reverend George Oliver, D.D. ; to be immediately followed by a "History of the City of Exeter," by the same author.
Messrs. A. Strahan and Co., Edinburgh, announce as forthcoming " The Restoration of the Jews : the History, Principles, and Bearings of the Question," by Dr. David Brown; and a translation of Madame de Gasparin's famous works, "The Near and the Heavenly Horizons," by the author of "The Patience of Hope."
The second volume of Mr. Palfrey's "History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty," has just appeared at Boston, U.S. It covers a period of twenty-three years, from the year 1643 to 1666, thus em- bracing the history of the first American Union, which very nearly syn- chronises with these dates.
The Correopondance Havers announces the immediate appearance of the "Vie de Jules Cesar," by his Majesty the Emperor of the French. The p per adds that the work will appear simultaneously in French and Eng- and will be accompanied by a magnificent engraving.
The celebrated pamphlet of Prince Frederick of Prussia on the Art of War, recently published at Frankfort-on-the Main, has just been brought out in a French translation, by Dentu, Paris, under the title, "-L'Art-de Combattre L'Armee Francaise.
Messrs. Amyot and Co., Paris, have published "Notes sur is Lorraine Allemande ; lea Rhingraves et les Reitres pendant les Guerres de Reli- gion du Seizieme &Me," by M. Louis Benoit ; and " Paulin le Peni- tent, etude Historique et Litteraire, by M. J. Duboul.
M. Jules Remy, a late visitor to the Salt Lake city, has just brought out two volumes descriptive of the followers of Joe Smith, under the title " Voyage au Pays des Mormons : Relation, Geographic, Histoire, Theo: logic, Mceurs, et Couturnes."
A collection of " Documents Inedits sur L'Histoire Politique do •Mar- seille au Treizieme Siècle," by M. Louis Blancard, keeper of the Ar- chives of the Department des Boucles-du-Rhone, has appeared at Mar- seilles.
The first volume of a new history of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, has been published at Leipzig. Its title is, " Geschichte des Ungarischen Insurrections Kriegcs in den Jahren 1848 und 1849," by Professor W. Riistow.
The fifth and sixth volumes of Dr. A. F. Gfroerer's important histori- cal work, "Pabst Gregorius VII. und rein Zeitalter," (Pope Gregory the Seventh and his Times) have made their appearance within the last week. Two more volumes are to conclude the history.
Professor K. Mittermaier, the celebrated jurist, has brought out a now work on the question of Criminal Reform, entitled "Der gegenwartige Zustand der Geffingnissfrage, mit Riicksicht auf die ncuesten Leistan- gen der Gesetzgebung und Erfahrungen iiber Geffingnisseinreichtung.”
A volume of Sketches from Dutch History, " Schets van de Geschie- deals der Nederlanden ; Opgehelderd met Afbeeldingen," by W. H. Hofdijk, with an appendix, " Ons Volk in Zijn Historic," by II. P. Ros- made, has appeared at the Hague.
A new annotated edition of Shakespeare ia Dutch, by C. W. Op- zoomer, is in course of publication at Amsterdam. The first volume, which has just appeared, contains Othello.