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QuErrst Vrevoara is still in Germany. Lord John Russell, in a despatch to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, has reported on the royal tour up to the 26th-
" Coburg, Sept. 26.
" Her Majesty the Queen, the Prince Consort, and the Princess Alice, embarked at Gravesend, in the royal yacht Victoria and Albert, on Satur- day, the 22d instant, at half-past five p. m., and arrived here at five p. m. yesterday. His Majesty the King of the Belgians came on board the royal. yacht at Antwerp, at half-past seven a. m., on Monday, the 24th, and ac- companied the Queen as far as Verviers.
" His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Prussia joined the Queen at Aix-la-Chapelle, and accompanied her Majesty as far as Duren. "Her Majesty slept that night at Frankfort, and travelled on to Coburg yesterday. Her Majesty was received by the Duke and Duchess of Coburg and Gotha, and had the satisfaction of finding the Prince and Princess Fre- derick William of Prussia waiting her arrival. " Wherever the train stopped immense crowds were assemblel, who took every opportunity to demonstrate their sincere respect for the Queen. " Notwithstanding the length of the journey, her Majesty remains in per- fect health.
" The festivities which had been prepared at Coburg, by order of the Duke of Coburg, have been countermanded in consequence of the lamented decease of the late Duchess Dowager of Coburg. "Her Majesty intends to remain at Coburg for the present." The Queen and Prince Consort, the Prince and Princess Frederick William, and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg attended a special service after the funeral of the Dowager Duchess of Saxe- Coburg, the Prince Con- sort's mother, on the day after her Majesty's arrival. As the Prince Consort was returning from a shooting excursion on Monday, his horses ran away, and jumping out of the carriage, he was slightly hurt; but on Wednesday he was able to go out, and resume his usual pursuits.
Count Mensdorff had arrived with the congratulations of the Emperor ofAustria. He dined with the Royal family. It is stated that the Princess Alice is or is about to be betrothed to Prince Louis of Hesse Darmstadt.