The Biographical Treasury. A Dictionary of Universal Biography. By Samuel Maunder. Thirteenth edition. Reconstructed, thoroughly Revised, and partly re-written, with above 1,000 additional memoirs and notices. By W. L. R. Cates. (Longman.)— The thirteenth edition of our old friend Maunder amounts, it seems, almost to a new work. The advance of historical knowledge and criticism has rendered it necessary to re-write about 900 of the biographies, and the new eetices, which include the names of distinguished personages who- were amongst us yesterday, exceed that number. In the task of re- construction the editor has endeavoured to give equal attention to men of all classes and to treat all subjects in a catholic and liberal spirit, avoiding all political and ecclesiastical partizanship, and with this view he has expunged many expressions and epithets which belonged to a bygone age and mode of thought. The work is furnished with a good index, and is a very cheap ten shillings' worth.