6 OCTOBER 1906, Page 14

History for Ready Reference and Topical Reading. By J N.

Lamed. 6 vols. (W. Heinemann. 126s.)—This is a "new and revised edition" of what may be described as a cyclopaedic dictionary of history. It is arranged in alphabetical order. We turn to "Assyria" and find a reference to "Semites," under which heading we have in two sections an account of "Northern" and "Southern Semites." The first includes "Babylonian," with the subdivisions "Old Babylonian," "Assyrian," "Chaldaean "; "Ara- maean," including "Mesopotamian" and "Syrian" ; "Canaanitic," with "Canaanites " and "Phoenicians " ; "Hebraic," with "Hebrews," " Moabites," "Ammonites," and " Edomites." The "Southern Semites" include " Sabaeans," "Ethiopians," and "Arabs." Among authors quoted we find Renan, Max Muller. McCurdy, Sayce, Lefevre, Perrot and Chipiez, Wallis Budge, and others. The Hebraic and other sections are treated elsewhere. The work seems, as far as we have been able to examine it, to have been constructed out of the best available materials.