6 OCTOBER 1906, Page 37

The Belles of Vanden. By G. B. Burgin. (Hutchinson and

Co. 6s.)—This is a Canadian story of the wilds of Vancouver, and in the prologue tells of a marriage between an English settler and a Canadian lady, both of whom take themselves extremely seriously, and address each other respectively as "The Man of Dreams" and "The Woman of Destiny." The story proper concerns their daughter, and dwells on her life, after her father's death, on a farm worked for her by a magnificent and most decorative young habitant, Mathurin. The novel is picturesque and entertaining, and every now and then Mr. Burgin gives a touch of poetry to his descriptions of men and scenery in that far-off land. It may be recommended to readers who wish to hear about Canada, as giving one aspect, at any rate, of that vigorous young daughter of the Empire.