6 OCTOBER 1917, Page 12


[To me EDITOR or ens " Sewriron."I

Pm—We desire to call attention to the work which the National Home-Reading Union is carrying on during its fourth War Session, and to appeal for continued public sympathy and support. The national emergency has brought to the Union many difficulties, bunt also new opportunities. Its aim is, now as before, to turn the power of reading to good uses, so as to make it a joy in the home and a help towards the conduct of daily life. The courses of reading pursued at the suggestion, and with the help, of the Union, which offer a large choice to readers of all ages, tastes, and acquirements, have been found, in time of war, a steadying, refreshing, and heightening inffuenee. Systematic reading has proved itself no powerful antidote to the spirit of unrest, and an aid towards carrying on national service cheerfully, steadily, and effectively. The Dome-Reading Magazine has been widely circu- lated in camps and military hospitals; and the book lists drawn up by the Union have helped much in selection of books sent out to soldiers at the front. The main work of the Union, however, continues to be among the nation at home, and partimdarly among the young. It claims to be helping in no small measure to maintain in the present, and secure for the future, a standard of high thought, intelligent interest, and true patriotism. All who wish to become members of the Union, or to give it their support, are earnestly invited to write for particulars to the Secretory, 12 York Buildings, Adelphi, London, W.C. I. The Secretary will also gratefully receive donations, large or small, towards the ou-dinnry expenses of the Union, or towards the Emergency Fund which has been raised to meet the increasing demands on its very slender resources.—We are, Sir, &c., J. HEREFORD, ChaiTLIall Of COlilleil.

J. W. HAMAD, Chairman of Executive Committee.

jThe courses this year include " Greater Britain Studies in Self-Government "; " American Ideals"; "Wordsworth : the Foot of the Last European War "; two courses on Art Subjects, mid a continuation of last year's course upon the "Home Life of Our Allies"—sorely us very judicious list.—En. Spectator.]