A lovely space
Sir: Occasionally I go to a football match. Read- ing a newspaper report afterwards I sometimes wonder whether I and the reporter saw the same match. So with Mr Tube's assessment of Mr Hard- castle and The World at One (22 September). What little pleasure I could get from a longwinded news report is completely marred by his idiotic staccato mode of speech. I want a factual report of the news—not what Mr Hardcastle thinks and says of it. Maybe the producer is partly to blame, for to some extent Mr Hardcastle's stand-in appears to ape him.
A new—a large—audience? I don't believe it. I expect many like myself turn the radio off once having heard the main items of news. I'm sure that a majority of listeners would prefer the leisurely listening that one could enjoy before the advent of this masterpiece. One always thought of the Home Service as a programme for the middle- brow. Now it's hardly more than a newspaper pith" a garish pull-out supplement!
David G. Woodley
9 Ellers Road, Bessacarr, Doncaster, Yorks.