Nicotine baby
Prom Dr C. Gordon Wickes Sir: It staggers me that Cato sees fit to Make such utterly irresponsible statements about smoking in pregnancy (Notebook, September 22). Surely he is not so naive as to believe that one happy ending negates the Published results of all reputable Medical research? Mothers should realise that smoking in pregnancy produces two to three tbitries as many premature births, and aisles weighing 5-8 oz. less than those born tO non-smoking mothers. The incidence of miscarriages, stillbirths and aeo-natal deaths increases twofold in eases of smoking mothers, and that rerbidity rates are directly related to number of cigarettes smoked. Let us have no more of such unini?rmed inane remarks. Perhaps the :imence of your medical corresponpent's column this week contributed to nair appearance?
25 • . C. Goodson Wickes Hillgate Place, London, Wg.