Brarns.-On the 16th ult. at Ballygiblin, the Lady of William Wrixon Becher, Esq. of a son-On the 31st, the Lady of Sir John Croft, Bart. of a son and heir-At Ballarena, the Lady of Conolly Gaze, Esq. of a daughter-At Downton Hall, Salop, the lady of Sir W. Rouse Bonghton, of a son-At the Royal Marine Barracks, Plymouth, the lady of Captain Kellow, of twin daughters-At Standish House, Somerset, the Lady Emma Pennant, of a daughter-On the ficl inst. in Henrietta-street, Cavendish-square, Lady Fitzherbert, of a daughter-At Dorchester, on Sunday last, the wife of a poor labonri lig man, named Stiles, was delivered of three children ; one of whom is since dead. The mother we bear is doing well-At Dysart, N. B. on the 31th, Lady Loughborongh, of a daughter, still-horn.
MAartfAoss.-At Fowey, Mr. W. Cowling to Miss Collings. The bridegroom is thirty-eight years older than his bride ; the happy pair were escorted to and from the church by two constables, whose presence was necessary to prevent their being attacked by a mob set on by a daughter of the bridegroom by a former marriage, and who, we believe, is some years older than her mother-in-law-At St. Philip's church, Liverpool, by the Rev. 1.8. Bowstead, Sir John Jervis W. Jervis, Bart. to Miss Bradford, daughter of the lac Thomas Bradford. Esq. of Sandbach, CheshireSept. 2, at St. Pancras New Church, W. 11.Wickey, Esq. of Devonshire-street, Portland-place, to Jane, eldest daughter of the late Lorenzo Stable, Esq. of Hanoverstreet, Hanover-square-On the 9d, at St. George's. Hanover-square, by the Rev. E. Nepean, W. Brown Kitchener. Esq. to Georgina Macdonell Edgworth, only daughter of Maior Edgworth, of Wilton-place, and grand-daughter of the late Francis White Edgworth, Esq. of Liszard, county Louth-On the 4th, at St. George's, Hanover-square, the Rev. Augustus P. Clayton, son of Sir William Clayton, Bart. of Harleyford, Buck;, to Georgiana Elizabeth, daughter of the late Dean of Sails. buryand the Lady Elizabeth Talbot, and niece of the Duke of Beaufort-At St. Peter's Church, Dublin, the Rev. T. Hobson, of Sidmonth, to Sarah, the daughter of the late Right Hon. Arthur Browne, Prime Serieant at Law to his late Majesty, Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, and Representative for that University in many successive Parliaments.
Mar us.-On Monday, at Deerfield-lodge, Norwood, Frances Augusta, wife of John Barclay, Esq. of Tavistock-place-On the 30th ult. at Windsor, Mrs. Ramsbottom, relict of John Ramsbottom, Esq. aged 7.5-The Dean of Lincoln died soddenly on Friday se'nnight, at the residence of Sir J. Legge, at Blackheath. The Rev. Dean had met a dinner party at the house of Sir .T. Legge, and appeared in excellent Lealth and spirits. He sat down to dinner about six o'clock, and shortly after fell from his chair and expired instantly-On the 1st, at her house in Brookstreet, Bath, in the one hundred and second year of her age, Mary Calvert, widow of Thomas Calvert, Esq. late of Highfain, Hertfordshire, and surviving sister of Peter Calvert, Esq. LL.D. late Judge of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and Dean of the Arches-On the 3d, at Croom's-hill, Greenwich. Mary, the wife of George Browne, Esq. aged 76-On the 34, Charlotte Anne Dorothea, wife of David Barclay Chapman, Esq. of York-terrace, Regent's-park, and daughter of the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man-At Dieppe, Miss Georgina Drew, daughter to the late Lady Susan Douglas and John Drew, Esq. grand-daughter to the late and niece to the present. Earl of Dunmore-At Dover, on the 31st lilt, after a short illness, Forbes dt, Vieux. Esq. second son of Sir Charles des I'veux, Bart.