We lately announced to our readers, that a Commission had
been appointed by the Lords of the Treasury to inquire generally into the system of the General Post-office department, with a view of ascertaining whether any alterations of its arrangements could advantageously be adopted. Lieutenant-Colonel Yorke, who was Secretary to the Earl of Mulgrave in Jamaica, is now acting in that capacity under the new Commission. Mr. Vernon Smith, one of its members, is on his road to Paris ; and we understand that the principal object of his visit to that city is to ascertain the correctness of the alleged superiority of the management of the Post-office department in France to the system pursued in Ca country.— Globe.
Still Mr. VERNON SMITH. There are two very important points on which the Commission must be satisfied of the superiority of the French Post-office to our ow n, without further inquiry at Paris: we allude to the smaller rates of postage, and the constantly in- creasing revenue derived from the French office. In several other respects, we believe, it will be found that our neighbours have the advantage of us : one is, that they have no irresponsible subaltern officer, who is viceroy over the responsible head of the department. We are glad, however, to find that the Commission is bestirring itself. Lord MULGRAVE must effect some improvement, or he must be satisfied that the evidence, given by the Post-office people themselves to Lord WALLACE'S Commission, was a tissue of false- hoods: for out of their own mouths were they condemned.
Mr. Baron Bulland, in the course of his evidence in the great will cause at Lancaster, stated as a proof of Mr. Ramsden's sanity, that he, the learned Baron, had sent him a volume of his own poems ; " which he would riot have done had Le conceived him to be a man of inferior intellect."—Nerespaper Paragraph.
HOLLAND'S Poems! How we may live and learn every day ! What mortal would believe that Baron HOLLAND bad been a Poet, if there were not his own oath to the fact ? Questionless, this evidence must have had great we:gilt with the .Jury. So far from thinking Mr. RmasnEre a booby, as certain persons would fain prove, Baron BoeesNia must have deemed him a man of ex- ceedingly lively perception of poetic merit at all events; and pro- bably sent him a copy of his poems in the fond hope that he would discover the fervour of the muse in what the world thought merely cacoethes scribendi. We should like to know the poor gentleman's opinion of the proems: that might indeed help us to an estimate of his mental pawers. It' lie thought them line, thcn we should imagine the Jury would not be at a loss for a verdict.