THE Continental papers are still full of rumours as to the result of the meeting between the German and Russian Emperors, but very few of them even look true. There is no- -confirmation of the story that the Czar agreed to recognise Prince Ferdinand if the Emperor of Austria would cease from coercing Servia, and as little of the legend that he brought forward the claims of Armenia in a formal and effective way. If anything was agreed upon, it was a truce for a short period ; but it is more probable that nothing was discussed at all, that the Sovereigns talked of anything but politics, and that the only result of the interview was a diminution of the slight personal hostility felt by at least one of them. It is openly announced, upon what appears to be high authority, that the Russian troops will not be withdrawn from the frontier, and that Russia, secure in her own strength and the, favourable attitude of France, needs no alliance with Ger- many to secure her ends. The Czar, in short, will pursue his policy of waiting and getting ready, especially in regard to finance, with a secret hope that perhaps .events will wholly relieve him of the responsibility of acting. Meanwhile, the more careful management of the Russian Treasury, and the immense rise in silver, have brought the Russian rouble up to 2s. 6d., and thus enabled the Govern- ment, should it be necessary, to sanction a fresh issue of inconvertible paper.