6 SEPTEMBER 1919, Page 2

The' King of Italy has • set a good - example

- to his- wealthy subjects by transferring all the Crown. data/dim 'to the State for 'the benefitof the disabled. soldiers and the poorer peasantry. It is a truly royal gift, for the Italian Crown domains like those which-George HI. surrendered to the State in the -days -of Pitt-- were of great value. King Victor Emmanuel has always shown himself a -geed patriot and a genuine' demos' at,- and he will now be more popular than ever. Yet even this royal generosity will surprise the world less than another act of Italian self- denial- which is- reported in Tuesday's Daily Chronicle. A

• number of railwaymen have offered to Work an extra hour a

day without extra. pay in order to relieve the congestion in the ports. These men see that prices cannot be reduced until the foodstuffs and coal held up in the ports are cleared, and as good citizens they wish to 'do what they can to remove the diftleulty. If Labour everywhere would shine this spiriti we should soon be at the end of our troubles, and none would benefit more than the working man.