[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Distance is my excuse for referring to a letter in your issue of July 12th. Mr. J. D. Jenkins, under the heading " Japan's Onward March," says " Japan has now definitely decided to supply finance for a canal cut across the Isthmus Of Kra." I should perhaps be ashamed of my ignorance, but Mr. Jenkins' statement is news to me, and I should be obliged if he would give his authority for it.
I have hitherto thought the stories about Japan's " hidden hand " in this Kra canal project to be canards of as pure a breed—and as strong on the wing—as that other fantasy about a Japanese concession for 250,000 acres (or hectares) of land in Abyssinia for the growth ofcotton (or opium). That story originated in the unsuccessful efforts of a little-known .Japanese to .vend in Japan a concession which he apparently did not possess and • consequently failed to sell. If the Kra canal report has a more solid foundation it would be 'useful