6 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 35


Just occasionally we come across certain industrial concerns which have proved quite a gold mine to original holders. Among such is Initial Services, Limited, which in its latest report proposes an increase in the company's capital by £600,000, the issue of a share for share bonus to Ordinary shareholders, and the further issue of one new share for every share held at 5s. per share, the price of the existing shares being about 73s. For the past year this company, which supplies various services to offices and business houses, achieved profits of £238,000, as compared with £220,000 in the previous year, and, after transferring £75,000 to General Reserve, the dividend is again made up to 50 per cent. on the Ordinary shares. The undertaking was registered as a Public company in 1928 and for the past six Years has regularly paid 50 per cent. on its Ordinary capital.