THE TRUST'S FIRST task, of course, will be to find
a successor worthy to restore the great Owen Seaman tradition. I was surprised to hear that Mr. Randolph Churchill had already been un- officially sounded; apparently it was felt that the Trust could persuade him to employ his astringent Pen in the right causes. But I fancy that Mr. Churchill feels he can command a bigger audience in the Daily Express (or, when he resigns, in the S.1ffida.V Express). A section of the Cabinet would, In any case, prefer a candidate with greater academic distinction, in the Geoffrey Dawson, All Souls tradition : and their obvious candidate is Mr. A. L. Rowse, whose book A Cornish Waif, some of his colleagues feel, is very funny indeed. But my own view is that the likeliest candidate is Dr. Charles Hill. Harold is understood to have been heard to say that the only solution for Charlie is that or a barony; and in view of the Mud stirred up in the press lately about unworthy Political peerages, it will probably be that.