7 APRIL 1832, Page 11


JACKSON: aml JONEs, Chester, litiontlrapers—BRENNANottna DoNBISON, West Derby, ,g..-oe,csitis:oN ;ma Wieldtant liisla,ps, Essex, Millers ; ;Is fir as regards 11. DI xox vExs am' E Lam. New ington Causeway. tiraperS—li CAN and SACKETT, Rother- hit he, shiptYrillItS—FRAN:M, :t MI I.12%! VItaut .Monument Yard, a wallies—Tricot:Is and IIA NI, it Statiordshire, voloardnalters—Swirr jun. :Intl BRETTELL, Bir- mingham, et eel b ,y-ma nu Met toms—NIL- nit alla WA Is EFOR P. Southampton, wine-mer- chants—la:WE and Cit. Ilanishaw, Laneashire, confect iotters—J. S. and J. S. BA, tv jun. Boston, Lincolnshire, grOeers—MARRIOTT antl Co. Sheffield, merchants—ROWLEY and

Bur.Locx, Moon Street, drt.ssonakers—IIEvwoon anti JOHNSON% HtliitterStield, MaSMIS —C. and F. SeENee, Lockwood, gox:ers—T. and C. Itavyrost, Bedminster, inaltsters—BYNE and E tort, South Molton, attornies—Bnoott E and COOPER, Birming- ham, coal-dealers— SELLERs alid Co. Burnley, cotton-spinners—WEnn antl Co. Bristol. wine-raerchants—ai Nsirtna, atol RACE. Nlanchester, muslin-manufacturers—J. awl G, Portsnumtli.linenalrapers—T. and II. Pam, Fakcilhata, wine-in:stet:aut. Itawrox and AR msTRoNo, Manchester.

BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. DEAN, IT ENRY, Nelson Street, Greetwieh, tollaeconist. MAVELL, \VIM.] AAL High Street. Exe:er. jetvoller. TuomAs, N 51anelnaster, ttpl Is' era..


AUBREY, JAMES. Hatton Carden, ronev-scrivener, to surrender April 11, May 15: sol i,•i:,,r, mr, cool:Rey. itetVera Ron%

11.1.ccocK, Shrivenliam, linen-draper, April 19, May 15: solicitors, Me.srs.11.1,11 and PrideanK. hilisIssi ; and Home and Co. New. 1mi.

1l:s it o, Jtmss. pt Derhysitire, cern-dealer, .1pril 21, 24, May 15 solici- tors. Messrs. M flue a tal Co. Temple and Mr. NVood, Bullock Smithy. near Stoekport. ItottEnT, st. John r,,e!. Cletltenwell, lapidary, Ain il 13, .May 13 : soliei-

tor, 'Mr. or. Broad Streel liimE Mr. Cireueester, atm acbant, .1pril 13, May 15: sulieitors, Messrs. Tilleard and Miller, 01.1.1ewry. I S sow,-thy ITalra%. dyer, April 11, May 13: solicitors, 'Messrs. Jaques and Co. Coleman Street ; and. Mr. ITolroyde. 11:11i2ix. 1`.1ce eve, .1A MES. innkeeper, April 11. May 15: solicitors, Mr. Sanders,

Hart S!reet. tashory S;;;;;;tre ; and Mr. Areh!,,,,:d, Thrap-ton. TnettNYoN, 11.:eit.iao. Horsham. rentalondtresver, April 19, May 13: solicitors, Mr. Ilonsti••id, Chatham Plaee : and Mr. La nib. 1101,1,:on.

To..;,. 11 NH V, Cot ir.v.,11 levi, Wan..ihst Road, grocer, April 6, ably 15: solicitor, Mr. NVilh.oghtty, Clii11.1,11s 11111.

WAT:titx,.b.‘scm Rot:her:m.2h, eltd lder, Ap;i1 23, Nray 15: sulivitors, 'Ali, Blower, Lincoln's Inn Fields; awl Slessrs. Cr::: tne awl Son, Stroud.


April 26, Deniford, Chipping Norton, draper— April 2.1, Woodruffe. 'Ramsey. Essex. cattle-dealer—April 26, Graves and t;,o,dher, Strand, tailors—April e6. Andrew. Cr•ovn Count, Threadneedle Street, imatraneed.roker—April 26, Chutney, Little Bell Alley, t'oleman Street, woolleti.draper--.April 26. Pret I mant, Regent Ciretta,

April 26, Cooling, lticlborotigh Street, ituld Street, master-mariner—May 1, Moffatt, Goswell Street, St. Luke's. blue-marmfiteturer-31%y 2, Cuthbert, Greta Scotland Yard, navy-agent—April 25, Ilyd, ... Bodge Row, warelionseman—April 26, I Iigginson, Fins- bury Square, merchant—April 27, lkittams, Dardingstone, Northamptonshire, grazier —April 26, Robertson and Lk). Few:Imo:1i St reef, merchants—April 27, lIodgson, Nicho- las , Lane, insurance-broker—April 25, Downer, Fleet Street, ironmonger—April 30,

P Shoreditch, linen-draper--April 19, 3 tennis:on, Toxtelli Park, merchant—April 27, Ti isliton, Preston, money-serirener—April 26, Watkitt,on, 'Manchester, calico-pt inter — April 27, Marshall, Watling Street. silk-manufacturer—NI:1y I. Dean, Althes- Mills, Durham, worsted-spiuner—April 26, 1::sles, Canterbury, hatter.


To be granted, ook-rs- r,t,,s.e shoien td the r,ntrary. MI or befire April 24.

Ivory, St. Mary-at-Hill, vietualler—Oldham. Manchester, calico-printer—lYt ight, Wenloek Basin, Shoreaitelt, engitteer—Ballard, Itri;htlichnstone, tobacconist—Mosei, Stockton-upon-Tees, joiner.

Friday, 6th April.


lins:x and THF.OPORI,, ItriXt on, SehO011118Slers—itovitsn awl flax, Leicester Stplare. tailors—I )vErr and Fort% Nine Elms, coal-merchants—It tettAnesoy: and Pare% Bat- tersea, nialittfact ming chemist s—Fi Et.ltsEND awl 111, tric;:r as, Wa I li-upon-Dearre, Yorkshire, cabinte-mitkers—.T. and .1. ItttErr jun. Yeovil. tailors--11t.sE and MAREs, Idoyd Street, Clztremont Square. atiorni...—T., w., and T. II. Ittenn.t at, Manchester. calieo-printers; as far as regards W. Bic-at:Am—I, NNr:oox and 11'i:rats. Bristol. car- penlers—lt AN PALL and Cm:13LE, Derby, hatters-1 and Co. Upper Thames Street, wholesale grovel-, —A. and II. Dt:AN, Cheethant 11111. Mauelieger, victualler., — MANN MM. Co. Chichester, mercers ; as far as regale C. 11. NI ANN—liowEN and Goo. mi.:, Leicester Street , paper-stainers.


CRAFTF.R, JAMEs, Tit,.1.•y StT-''t, ‘1sri15. FoRTNrM,CHARLE:-, NeitheM. 11111, PeehimIll Rye, patent ltriek-maker, April 1 GARDINER, WILLIAas TIEN:iv, Ni prt Falaate, ironmonger. April 6. Hartox, GEORGE, Broad S: rem. Heading, chinan:an, April 6.


WISEMAN% Isaac, Nonvich, from Mardi 27 to April 17.


ITOVGIITON, THOMAS, Liverpool, boilder. MACKAY, JOHN, Broad Street, broker.


CARTER, Jonx, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, corn-factor, to surrender April 23,24 May 18: solicitors, Messrs. Beckham and Morse, St. Giles's Street, Norwich; and Messrs. Brotton anti Clipperton. New Broad Street. GOBLE, JOHN and. GEORGE, Kentish Buildings, St. Saviour, Southwark, hopthetors, April 13, May 18 solicitor, Mr. F. W. Carter, High Street, Southwark. MARsHALT., WitLIAM, Holborn Bars, 11mi:et-book-maker, April 18, May 18: solieitor, Mr. Peachy. Salisbury Square.

51 ;y, WILLIAM Hawn% Great George Street. Mansionhouse, merchant, April 12, May IS: solicitors, Messrs. Baxendale, Tatham, Upton, and Johnson, King's Arms -Yard, Coleman Street.

PARKER, SAMI'ET„ Argyle Place, Regent Street, brotrzi:t and lamp-maker,apri113, May IS : solicitors, Messrs. Downes and Gatnlen, Furnivars Inn,

TAYLOR, WILLI A NI, 71.1ablen, t...11trry, gunpowder-inaluitheturer, April 16. May 18: so- licitor, Mr. 3. Guy. hufslon-upon-Thantes, and Hampton Wick, Middlesex.

TURNER, Pticss, Norwich, confectioner and brick-maker. April 23, May 18: soli. eitors, Messrs. Clarke, Richards, and NIedealf, Lincoln's Bin; and Messrs. Beckwith and Dye, Norwich,


May 1, Bryon, Torrham Green, dealer in hops—April 25, Zachariah and Nona, High Holborn. dealers in German toys—April 27, Beauchamp, Holborn liars, pawn- broker—April 30, Goodrick, Huntingdon, linenalraper—April 28, Weaver and Hick- man, Ludlow, mercers—May 1, Body, Newhaven, Sussex, grocer—May 5, Barber, AI- freton, Derbyshire, innkeeper.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Woe April 27. Poole, Abchurch Lane, bill-broker—Croker, Lime Street, skin-broker—Geeves, Hen - don, hay-salesman—Walker. St. John's, Woreestershire, tanner—Hind°, New Court, Crotched Friars, wine-merchant—Payne, Earl's Court., Old Bromptort, dyer—Gladwin. Watling Street, smith—Benson, Kensington, plumber—Burnell, Leeds, linen-draper.