A correspondent has favoured us with some specite ns of
Mr. MACAULAY'S legislative powers, as exhibited in his new Cu minal Code for India. The following are not exactly in the old style of odification, either as regards mutter or manlier.
"It is not defamation, to attempt to cause any thing which is true to be believed, in any quarter, concerning any person." "Nothiny which is not intended to cause death, and which is e• t known by the doer to he likely to cause death, is an offmce by reason of ant arm which it may cause, or be intended by the doer to catv.e, or be kuowit the doer to be likely to caner, to any person above twelve yeara of age, who has given a free and intelligent consent, whether exanats or implied, to suffer that harm, or to take the risk of that harm ; such emsant eat having been obtained by wilful misrepresentation on the pal t of the person teliri does the thing !" o Whoever by wards, either spoken iw intended to he re el, or by signs or by visible retires, mations, attenipta Cul exeite feelings of disaffection to the Governs ment eatablished by the law in the territorie, of the I'. ist India Company, among any class of 'people svhil live under that Gaverument, shall be punished with banishment t%r life, or for any term from the tern itoriesnf the East India com- pany, to wive'. hue may be added ; or with simple imprisonment for three years, to wideh fine may be added ; or with tine." " Nothing is an offeuee which is moeby a per,,,,a who is, or in goad faith believes hints, If to be, cotnmanded by law to do it."