NF.,Flt F.EFT4.111E, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Marltet, which was feeble its the early part of the week, has during the last two days evinced 1 much firmer appearanee; and thoogh the business has not been extensive, prices are all 1M,,her. All the stocks the books of which have been closed ptevious to the dividends. are to-clay opened for private transfer ; and money tranaactions, which have been for some time suspended in thetn, have been !vaunted. The prima at which they are current today are, as tegards Reduced Three per Cents., Long Anunitica, Bank, and India Stocks. higher than those at whi■di they were when the breaks closed; while Redueed Three.and-a•Ilitlf per Cents reniain unchanged. The following were the prices on- 24 larch. Present prieeesd. is Equivalent to
Bank Stock, 20E471
3 rr Cents. Reduced, '33i 924 9.I0 %all ills Mend. 944 ....
34 per Cents. Reduced, 1101 ... 100i loll
ludia Stock65 Nit Notwithstanding the unfavourable statement of the last Quarter's revenue, the market still maintains its firmness. Exchequer Bills are 64 to 66, and ludia Bonds have been done at 70 prem. Money still continues abundant, and though there hula been a considerable exportation of bullion to America, the in- flux of the precious metals from the Continent has been quite sufficient to meet the demand thus pensioned.
In the Foreign Market, the business has been chiefly confined to Spanish and Dutch Stock. The long-talked of financial neemiation between the Govern- ment of Madrid and M. Ac uano, has at last resulted in the former contracting a loan for 5,000,000/, which is to be exclusively applied to the expenses of the army and navy. To the interest and sinking fund the Government will appro- priate the clear produce of the mines of Almaden and Linares, and the greater proportion of the rents and contt ibutions of the Peniusula and the Iolanda. It is also proposed to capitalize the interest now due upon the foreign debts and the prospective dividends till 1st January 1841 ; %then they will he paid by twelfthe. The intelligence of this contract has produced a use in the price of the Active Stock at Paris, where it was done at 24; but aithoueh several purchasea have been effected in this market, the impulse they nave given boa been only mo- mentary, and though the price here has been as high as 21 ;;, it has since fallen back to 2Ih and 21h, and is to-day about per cent. higher. The report that the Conference of London had terminated its sittings, and that unforeseen difficulties have arisen in the settlement of the Dutch and Bel- gian question, has caused a decline in Dutch Stuck ; the Twmatitl-a•Hall per Cents, were on Monday as low as 52, hut have since ri.en to 54. The Eng- lish holders seem to have brought their Stock to market, and the depression thus occasioned has been counteracted by extensive purchases rustic on foreign account.
Brazilian Bonds have been steady between 76 and 77 ex-div., equal to 786 79h with Coupon. The Mexican dividend due 1st instant was not paid in due course ; hut the failure has must produced any alteration in the priute of the Bonds. There is no material alteration in the value of the other South Anne.. rican Securities.
The Railway Shares are generally heavy, and little fluctuation has occurred in any of the heavier varieties. The Brighton and Illackwall Shares have been lower, but have since improved. The Asphalte Mastic are also higher, being quoted 16 to 17. Blitish Iron Shares may be quoted better, viz. 111. to 15/. It is understood that a creation of new shares, in the manner we last mentioned, hzta been determined on.
The first half.yeatly general meeting of the shareholders of the Manchester and Birmingham Railway was held at Manchester on Monday last. The meet- ing was very numerously attended, and the report presented to it by the Direc- tors was unanimously adopted. Although the interest with which that document will he regaided must be principally confined to those concerned in the rail- way, there are some curious atatistical details acconipanying it which arc outth while extracting. It appears that the population of the towns in the di trict through which the railway proceeds is 598,337; that the traffic tables show, as far as Manchester, Stockport, Macclesfield, Congleton, and the Potteriee are concerned, a present intercommunication of 279,644 persons and a traffic of 197,750 tons annually for various distances, or 2,530,400 persons and 1,999,709 tons for one mile; and that there is a communieation Southward of 05,212 persons and 71,656 tons yearly for various distances, or 3,954,604 persons and '2,592,044 tons for one mile. The railway commences at Manchester, and pro- ceeds by way of Stockport, Wilnislow, near Alaceleafield, by Congleton, through the Potteries, and thence to Hammer Holism, near Cliebsey, in Staffordshire, at which point it unites with the Grand Junction Railway, thus communicating with Birmingham, and thence with Loodon. The length of the railway is 451 miles; the estimate of its construction is 1,150,000/. ; met the estimated receipt per annum is 241,84391. The Shares, which were previously at :V. prem., have been done at 46, and are 3 to 3.
We have very little variation in the prices of Stock or Railway Shareit this morning With the exception of Spanish, almost all Securities, both Foreign and English, may be quoted at yesterday's prices. The decline which That Stock has experienced in Palls, where the price fell lh per cent. on Thursday, has caused a depression here ; and the Active Stock, which closed yesterday at 216 h, has been this morning at 21h, but has since been done at 2Ih. Portu- guese Stock is rather heavier, the Five per Cents. being quoted at 3011L and the Three per Cents. at 20h 21. All descriptions of Railway shares a; e at yesterday's prices.
3 per Cent. Consols
Danish 74 7 93. i Brazilian Suer Cents 3 per Cent. Reduced 104 Portuguese Begeney 5 p. CtS• ::.i.0;.'41;4: 4:14 934 4 Ditto for Account
924 Dittch 2i pet Cents
New 34 per Cent. Anns _ Ditto 3 per Cent.
Bank stock
lwiiaStuck — Itu•sian (1822) 5 per (it • . • III 4 Ditt Bonds 70 pm. Spanish ( IS:554 5 per t 'mil ..• 21/ 4 o Exchequer hula. 64 GO pun. Deferred Stock 7t 14 Belgian 5 per Cents 103 4 Passive Ditto