April, were published yesterday. The■ exhibit a verb serious
as compared with the revenue of 1836-7, is 2,332,3641.; on Rho
quarter, 492,420/. The decrease s on the four main branches of taxation—on the Customs, 1,251,658/.; Excise, 1,049,537
i f Stamps, 209,0001.; Taxes, 54,811/. There s an increase on tli; Post-office, and during the last quarter on the Stamps also.
The languid state of trade, owing chiefly to the commercial eel_ barmssments of America, and tamely to the length and severity of' the winter, which prevented the customary sales and transmission of merchandise, is sufficient to account for the decline in the receipts. The revenue will improve with the return of comm. cial activity.