The remark which we have had occasion to make so
often lately respecting the character of Continental intelligence, holds good this week also—it is unimportant.
For the present, the rumours of changes in the French Ministry have been silenced. The reduction of interest on the Five per Cent. Stock will probably be put off till next year, although the Committee has reported in favour of it. The Committees of the Chamber generally exhibit much jealousy of the interference of the Government in the execution of public works. The Com- mittee on railroad-bills decided on Tuesday, by a majority of 15 to 3—the question being whether "the great projected railroads be executed by the State or private companies?"- " That wherever private companies offered to undertake at their own risk the construction of a railroad, they should obtain the preference. The Committee was further of opinion, that the resources of the Government were not at this moment sufficient to justify it in attempting to execute such extensive works; and that the necessity for providing funds for the conversion of the Rentes re. quirell that the state should abstain from embarking in such undertakings, The Committee refused on these principles to authorize the construction,* Government, of the Paris and Brussels railway, at the same time that it sug. grated the expediency of its establishing one .between Paris and Strasburg; that line not having yet awakened the attention of speculators, and being ei important, in a political point of view, as the other."