THE sittings of the Conference at Vienna have been further sus- pended until the 9th instant, to reassemble in greater strength. M. Dronyn de Lhuys has arrived; and about the same time, Ali Pasha, the second Turkish Plenipotentiary, with larger powers than his resident colleague Arif Effendi, and a faculty of speaking French. The stated reason for the further and more positive ad- journment until the 9th instant was, that time may be allowed for the Russian Plenipotentiaries to receive their fresh instruc- tions from St. Petersburg. Of course it is not believed that this is the sole or the true reason. The procrastination is regarded as unfavourable to an honest arrangement on the part of Rus- sia; and the total suspension of anything like authorized state- ments as to the real position of affairs has, as usual, given rise to a multitude of reports. Most of these are unfavourable ; implying suggestions that the Western Powers are shrinking from their duty : one story makes the Emperor Napoleon the pro- poser of a compromise ; another explains that England is only dragged forward by his ambition and the necessity under which he lies of employing his army ; while a third represents Austria as desiring to remain neutral should France and England demand the demolition of Sebastopol, which they never have demanded in the negotiations, from first to last. All that is really known upon the subject we stated last week; and most of the rumours that are current in this week of partially suspended business; at home as well as abroad, is traced to some presumption or some gross misconception like that which we have just mentioned.