Tuesday, April3.
PaarnmstimsDISSOLTED.-G. and D. Piccirillo, John Street, Minoriee, shipping- agents-11. H. and H. k•rankbarn, Wilson Street, Gray's Inn Road, barometer-manu- facturers-English and Kay, Belvedere Road, soap-mmaufacturers-W. and G. .Young,. Hart Street, Cripplegate, glass-dealers-Mackay and Irvine, Liverpool, timber-merchants-Saloway and Yates, Bridgnorth, carpet-manufacturers-Whalley and Co. Newton, Lancashire, chemists-Biggin and Co. Liverpool, oil-merchants- Morgan and Bees, Crescent, Jewin Street, merchants-Ballantyne and Co. Liver- pool, merchants-Nelson and Pratt, Halifax, drain-contractors-Evans and Co. Bristol, merchants-Jowett and Co. Bingley, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners-Vickess and Son, Liverpool, sugar-refiners-Bartlett and Co. Bloomsbury Square, publishers -Madocks and Robinson, Wembdon, brewers-Jones and Co. Newport, corn- merchants-Burgess and Banks, Witten, Northwicb, smallware-dealers-Mayall and Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-Algae, Brothers, Sheffield, printers - Chapman and Holland, Manchester, dyers; so far as regards N. Chapman-W. and G. Woollyen, Upper Clapton, butchers-4. and S. Davis, Camberwell, laundresses-Lloyd and Co. -Manchester, chemists-Copeland and Son, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers; so far .aaregards G. Copeland-Sychelmore and Hooker, Maidstone, curriers-Goding and Co. Belvedere Road, brewers;. so far as regards .1. Goding-Woreley and Heys, blus- bury, Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers- Chaser and Co. New Burlington Street, surgeons ; so far as regards 0. F. Cundy-Frost and Peacock, Manchester, ma- _chinists-Vigers, Brothers, Kenningtou, Umber-merchants-Holmes, Brothers, Huddersfield, ironmongers-Barton and Co. Manchester, copper-roller-manufac- Anrers ; solar as regards J. Parks. BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-WILLIAX and.Fannzaiox Huge SNOT.AoD, Westbury, -Wiltshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturers. BasufausTs.-Micimah Jonas, Oxford Street, grocer, to surrender April 14, May .18 : solicitors, Linklatera, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basing -Street-Taoism lisavay, Great St. Helen's, money-scrivener, April 17, May 19 : -solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Graham, Cole- man Street-Mermen' liernix FRANCES, George Yard, Lombard Street, defiler in .mining shares, April 17, May..9 : solicitors, Linklatera, Buse Lane ; official assignee, Graham, .Coleman Street--Wthrzan ABPIN junior, Morgan's Lane, Tooley Street, carrier, April 17, May.15 : solicitors, Ilothauday and Freeman, Coleman Street ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court--szarmaa PERCETAL PLUMES, New. City Chambers, merchant, April 17, May.17 : solicitors, ,Reed and Co. Friday Street official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Wthitaw :Mums, White- chapel Road, coffee-house:keeper, April 17, May .17 : saliaitar. .Hing Street, Finsbury ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Jones BAEHR, Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppy, grocer, April 20, May 15 : solicitor, Beckett, John Street, Bedford Row ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Build- ings-WILLLem Keane Guildford. draper, April 17, May 15: solicitors, Sole and Co. Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings- AmBaosz EATON, Milk Street, warehouseman, April 13, May 19: solicitor, Reed, Ironmonger Lane; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-SAMUEL RAN- DALL, Wellingborough, shoe-manufacturer, April 13. May 19 : solicitors, Roscoe, King Street. Finsbury Square ; Cook, Wellingborough ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street- CHARLES JOSEPH PARLOUR, Strand, lithographer, April 13. May 21: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street -EDWARD 1.00DSON, Hatfield, baker, April 14, May 21 : solicitors, Young and Flews, Mark Lane ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-THOMAS RICHARDSON, Birmingham, pen-holder-manufacturer, April 14, May 11: solicitor, East, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-Jous BSOOKES, Bir- mingham, brace-manufacturer, April 21, May 11 : solicitor, East, Birmingham ; offi- cial assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Emu/1EL MEADE, Bristol, tavern-keeper, April 16, May 14: solicitors, Crosby, Bristol ; Jay, Sergeant's Inn ; official assignee, • Hutton, Bristol-Miran HINCLILIFFE, Halifax, beer-seller, April 16, May 7 : soli- citors, Robson, Halifax ; Cariss and Cudworth, Leeds ; official assignee. Hope, Leeds-nes:JAMS 3ItsELL, Manchester, picture-dealer, April 13, May 4: solicitors, Stopher, Cheapside ; Atherton, Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Manches- ter.
DiviDENDS.- April 24, Balls, Mortlake, builder-April 24, Norman, Hieton, Cam- bridge, grocer-April 24, Buckell, Portsea, draper-April 24, Waistell, Noble Street, warehouseman-April 26, Cooper, Luddingtou, Northampton, corn-dealer-April 27, May and Co. Great Yarmouth, soap-manufacturers-April 26, Silvestro, Argyll Street, importer of fancy goods-April 26, Bell, Great Beddow, hop-merchant-April 26, Hall, Fordingbridge, butcher-April 26, Robinson, Grand Junction Terrace, Edgware Road, upholsterer-April 27, Parkes, Golden Square, printer-May 3, G. and J. Longmore. Manchester, provision-merchants-April 28, Crowther, Man- chester, grocer-April 27, Tatley, Ince, Wigan, cotton-spinner-May 4, Waithman, Yealand Conyers, flax-merchant-May 10, Hunt, Heaton Norris, paper-manufac- turer-April 27, Wilson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, scrivener-April 27, Hutchinson, Monkwearmouth Shore, ship-builder-May 7, T. and J. Gaukroger, Halifax, cot- ton-spinners--May 7, Gaukroger and Co. Halifax, cotton-spinners-May 2, Ilessel- den, Barton-upon-Humber, scrivener. CEarnocAyee.-2'o be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-April 27, Dennrtt, Hatcham, builder-April 25, Tillett, Colchester, plumber-April 25, Lawrence, Reading, draper-April 25, Carson, St. Helen's Place, Bishopsgate Street, merchant-April 26, White, Chelsea, brewer-April 25, Man- ning, Hammersmith, builder-April 26, Buchanan, Moorgate Street, upholsterer- Apnl 27, Guff, Queen's Crescent, Kentish Town, toyman-April 26, Hall, Fording- bridge, butcher-April 26, Addey, Old Bond Street, bookseller-May 1, Kirkham, Manchester, money-scrivener-May 2, Darlington, Wigan, looney-scrivener-May 1, Prest, York, painter-May 1, Addy, Leeds, cloth-manufacturer-May 1, Martin- dale, Low Harrogate, draper-May 7, North, Northowram, Yorkshire, grocer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Carne sen. Truro, provision-merchant; final div. of 5-32d of a penny, any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzell, Exeter-Bench, Birmingham, flour-dealer ; first div. of la. lid. any Thursday; Christie, Birmingham-Carter, Reading, jeweller; third div. of 121. Dd. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wed- nesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury-Gummer, Hart Street, wine-merchant; first div. of 7a. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Fox, Crombie's Row, Commercial Road Ease clothier; first div. of 32. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Crane. Harrow-on-the-Hill, draper ; second div. of 36d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Nutter, Cambridge, brewer ; first div. of 2a. 6d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Mitchell, Lime Street, merchant ; seventh div. of lid. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Manson, Lloyd's Coffeehouse, under- writer ; third div. of d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Butt, New- castle Place, Edgware Road, laceman ; second die. of 4d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Clarke, Norwich, maltster ; second div. of 3.s.6d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Mallam, Castle Inn, Tunbridge Wells, inn-keeper; first div. of Is. 4d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Brown, Winchester, carpenter ; first div. of 58. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Pearse, Wel- wyn, merchant ; first div. of la. 2d. any Tuesday ; Nicholson. Basinghall Street- Wright and Auntie, Upper Thames Street, drysalters; first div. of (is. 8d. any Tues- day; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Winkfield, East Greenwich, cement-merchant ; first dia. of Is. 4d. anyi uesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Brown and Burnham, Potton, brewers ; first div. of 5a. and 20a. on the separate estate of R. Brown, any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street. SCOTCH SEemeartrAvioes.--Mossman, Alexandria, Dumbarton, Wright, April 13- King, Seedhills, Paisley, dyer, April 13-Chapman, Crieff, grocer, April 13-Dur- ward, Stonehaven, grocer, April 12-Bell, Glasgow, nail-manufacturer, April 12- Dykes, Glasgow, salesman, April 9-Greenshields, Glasgow, pianoforte-seller, April 12.
Friday, April 6. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLve.n.-Evans and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Beckford and and Halloran, Plymouth, ale-merchants-D. and T. Davies, Waterloo Road, drapers -Fox and HardingWells Mews, Wells Street, fret-cutters-Norman and Budge,Hunter Street, Old 'Kent Street Road, curriers-Clark and Co. Manchester, cotton- spinners -.Stiotton and Webb, Osnaburgh Street, Regent's Park, horse-dealers- Plevens and Co. Rowley Regis, Staffordshire, ironmasters-Beardsall and Rolling- worth, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers-Tindall and Wilkinson. Great St. Helen's, ship-brokers-Townsend and Edney, Cheltenham, pork-butchers-W. and J. E. Vellacott, Barnstaple, woollen-drapers-Lowis and Co. Southwark Bridge Road, en- gineers-Thorne amid Son, Battersea, brewers-Benassit and Co. Mark Lane, mer- chants-Maddock and Watson, Nottingham, lace-manufacturers-The Tyne Paper- mill Company, Gateshead; as far as regards J. Vint-Douglas and Solly, Liverpool, insurance-brokers - Walker and Co. Strand, tailors-Major and Co. Folkestone, butch- ers-Brown and Webb, Cobham, Surrey, surgeons-J. and J. Naylor, Halifax, joiners -Jossely n and Westhorp, Ipswich, attorntes-Blackburn and Burt, Holborn Hill, printers-Fletcher and Spencer, Cannon Street, marine-engineers-J. and C. E. Davies, Tipton, grocers-Bury and Staveley, Liverpool, ship-bread-bakers-Tap- ling and Co. Wood Street, Cheapside, carpet-warehousemen ; as far as regards C. W. Tapling. BANKRUPTEL-JOHN BURROWES and ALEXANDER Meaasis limo, Leadenhall-street, ship-brokets, to surrender April 20, May 11: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Stanefeld-JOHN JAMES PARERE, Greenwich, bricklayer, April 14, May 18: solicitor, Sadgrove, Mark Lane; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Roamer TODD, senior, Westbourne Park Villas, Paddington, wine-merchant, April 13, May 18: solicitors, Linklaters, Sim Lane, Bucklerebury; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Tnowas LANDS, High Street, Camden Town, boot-vendor, April 20, May 18: solicitors, Harrison and Lewis, New Boswell Court, • Lincoln's Inn ; official assignee, Cannon, Alder- manbury-JAmes PIPER, Holborn Hill, carver, April 17, Slay 15: solicitors, James and Curtis, Ely Place, Holborn ; official assignee, Lee, Alderuianbury-Jolts 31astss, Nottingham, upholsterer, April 24, May 8: solicitors, Coope, Nottingham ; Harrison and Wood, Birmingham; official assignee, Harris, Nottingham-WILLIAM and FREDEUICH HENRY ENGLAND, Bretton Mills, Westbury, Wiltshire, clothiers, April 17, May 14: solicitors, Bevan and Gifting, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol-GABRIEL Wonoran, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, plumber, May 1, 22: solicitors, Sholes and Son, Dewsbury; Blackburn, Leeds - official assignee, Hope, Leeds- Jons Buntam, Liverpool, ship-owner, Apri119, day 10: solicitors, Lowndes and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-Jone Wets'', Liverpool, corn- merchant, April 17, May 8: solicitor, Yates, Liverpool ; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool. DIVIDENDS.-April 27, Miers, Strand, frame-maker-April 27, Haselden, Wigmore Street, bookseller-April 27, Beaumont senior and junior, Commercial Place, City Road, coach-makers-April 27, Foster, Milbank, stone-merchant-April 27, Gower, Lawrence Lane, warehouseman-April 30, Gibbons, Wood Street, Cheapside, straw- hat-manufacturer-April 30, Elkington, Hall Street, City Road, electro-plate-ma- nufacturer-April 25, Austin, Colchester, grocer-April 28, Ilarben, Goulstone Street, Whitechapel, cheesemonger-April 27, Scott and Co. Union Court, City, merchants -April 27, Miller, Pongee, mercer-May 1, Muruss, Maidstone, vic- tualler-May 1, Stewart, Mitre Court, Cheapside, merchant-May 3, Mathias, Glas- tonbury, scrivener-April 27, Love and Keys, Liverpool, looking-glass-manufac- turers -May 8, Smith, Kildwick, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-May 8, Martindale, Low Harrowgate, Yorkshire, draper-May 8, Hanson, Huddersfield, yarn-manufac- turer-April 27, King, York, manufacturer of paper hangings. CERttireArIts.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-May 3, Inglis and Bond, Old Broad Street, merchants-May 1, Vines and Smith, Dover Road, builders-May 1, Grantham, Connaught Terrace, dealer in hay -May 1, Ashby, Melina Place, Lambeth, baker-April 27, Horton, High Street, Is- lington, grocer-April 27, Monckton, King Street, Baker Street, victualler-April 27, Baker, Southampton, timber-merchant-May 1, Blackwell. Cheltenham, marble- mason-May I,,Warren, Bristol, haberdasher-May 1, Hearn, Cheltenham, linen- draper-April 27, B. and J. Ratcliffe, Halifax, manufacturers-April 27, Anderson, Bradford, 'Yorkshire, grocer-April 27, Moore, Halifax, brewer-April 27, Roper and Mitchell, Keighley, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners-May 3, Bailey, Walsall, Stafford- shire, inn-keeper-May 3, Hughes, Shelton, Staffordshire, builder-May 1, Freck, Nottingham, grocer-May 1, Lounds, Bourn, Lincolnshire, coach-builder-May 1, Cheetham and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-llammood, Leeds, flax-spinner ; first div. of 4s. any day; Hope, Leeds-Dandison, Huddersfield, nine-merchant; first div. of 45. any day; Hope, Leeds-Jarvis, Leeds, wool-stapler ; first and final div. of 11d. any day ; Hope, Leeds-Dewhirst, Huddersfield, bookseller; first div. of SO. any day; Hope, Leeds-Brooke and Co. Dewsbury, woollen-manufacturers ; third div. of 21d. any day • Hope, Leeds-Ellis, Bishopathorpe, farmer; first div. of 3s. 6d. any day; Hope, Leeds-Lamplough, Doncaster, draper; first die. of 2a. Id. any Tuesday on or after April 24; Duman, Sheffield- Hawkins and Needham, Sheffield. table-knife- manufacturers ; first div. of 42. qd. any Tuesday on or after April 24; Brewin, Shef- field-Wigtall, Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturer ; first div. of Cal. any Tuesday on or after April 24; Brewin, Sheffield-Dixon, Gateshead, draper ; first div. of fie. any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-ltobson, Sunderland, ship-builder ; third and final div. of 7d. (in addition to Ils. previously declared), any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Fenwick, Tynemouth ; second and final div. of lid. (in ad- dition to 2a. 7d. previously declared), any Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Findlay, Glasgow, wright, April 17-Dick, Glasgow, merchant, April 13.