-OFFICE OP ORDNANCE, April 2.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Second Capt. D. Gal- ton, on the Seconded List, to be Capt. ; Second Capt. H. W. Barlow to be Capt. vice Craigie, killed before Sebastopol ; First Lieut. E. M. Grain, to he Second Capt. vice Barlow; Second Lieut. W. S. Boileau to be First Lieut. vice Grain.
Ordnance Medical Department-Acting Assist: Burg. 8. Roth, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Protheroe.
Royal Regiment of Artillery-Sergt. W. Stewart to be Quartermaster, vice Mar- vin, retired on half-pay ; W. Hake, Gent. to be Veterinary Surg. Royal Regiment of Artillery-Major-General to be Colonel-Commandant-E. C. Whin'ates. Brevet-Colonels to be Colonels.-E. N. Wilford, W. H. Pickering. Captains to be Lieutenant-Colonels-C. L. Fitzgerald, vice Wilford, promoted ; P. R. Cocks, vice Pickering, promoted ; W. T. Crawford, P. H. Mundy, W. Hender- son, W. J. Smythe. Second Captains to be Captains-C. R. 0. Evans. vice Fitz- gerald, promoted ; G. Rotten, vice Cocks, promoted; F. W. Hastings, vice Craw- ford, promoted ; H. A. Smyth, vice Mundy, promoted ; P. W. Phillipps, vice Hen- derson, promoted ; E. Moubray, vice Smythe, promoted; F. H. Chancellor, C. Wal- ler, R. K. Freeth, C. W. Grey, F. M. M. Ommanney, E. Palmer, F. Vansittart, L. G.
P_aget. First Lieuts. to be Second Capta.-F. Clore, vice Evans, prom. ; Sin- clair, vice Rotton, promoted ; H. S. Talbot, vice Hastings, promoted ; W. J. Wil- son, vice Smyth, promoted ; W. H. R. Simpson, vice Phlllippa, promoted; L. W. Penn, vice Mowbray,. promoted; H. R. Saunders, vice Chancellor, promoted ; E. G. Snow, vice Waller, promoted; W. Morris, vice Freeth, promoted ; H. Benny, vice Grey, promoted; C. P. Rotton, vice Ommaney, promoted ; J. IL Savage, vice Pal- mer, promoted; D. Jones, vice Vansittart, promoted ; T. E. Byrne, vice Paget, pro- -meted ; E. Teddy, H. J. T. Tortkinson. .1. B. Parkin, C. Johnston,T. 8. P. Field, L. A. Bmdshaw, J. hl. Campbell, W. French, E. A. Seymour. Second Lientenants to be First Lieutenants-H. Y. Wortham, vice Close, promoted ; H. B. ?Amid, vice Sinclair, proinoted; C. W. Walrond, vice Talbot, promoted; W. j. S. Neill, vice Wilson, promoted ; H. L. G. Geary, vice Simpson, promoted ; W. B. Rice, vice .Penn, promoted; G. U. Knox, vice Saunders, promoted ; W. N. Penne, vice Snow, -promoted ; 0. H. Goodenough, vice Morriss, promoted; J. R. P. Anderson, .vice Benny, promoted; J. N. P. Dodson, vice Rotten, promoted ; H. C. Farrell, vice Savage, promoted; E. M'Laughlin, vice Jones, promoted ; C. F. Roberts, vice Byrne, promoted ; A. 8. Hunter, vice Teddy, promoted; 0. B. T. Stevenson, vice Tomkinson, promoted; G. A. Crawford, vice Parkin, promoted.
Invalid Artillery-Second Lieut. and Adjt. J. Campbell to be Lieut. and Adjt.
Corps of Royal Engineers-To be Colonel-Commandant-Lieut.-Gen. G. Cardew. To beColonel- Brevet-CoL J. E. Porllock. Captains to be Lieutenant-Colonels- F. A.-Yorke, vice Portlock, promoted ; C. F. Skyring, R. G. Hamilton. Second Captains to be Captains-H, Y. D. Scott, vice Yorke, promoted ; G. Ross, vice Sky- oclE.:Pronioted ; J. B. Mann, vice Hamilton. promoted ; Brevet-Major J. W. Lovell, M. kl..Synge,.E. W. Ward, W. H. Jesse. First be Second Captains -A. P. Smith, vice Scott, promoted; A. M. Lochner, vice Ross, promoted ; P. Ba- venhal, vice Man, promoted ; H. T. Siborne, vice Loren, promoted; C. 8. Akers, vice Synge, promoted; B. A. Wilkinson, vice Ward, promoted ; L. Nicholson, vice Jesse, promoted.; G. Walker, F. E. Cox, 8. B. Farrell. C. W. Barry. Second Lieutenants to be First Lieutenants-A. Dirom, vice Smith, promoted ; W. M. T. Campbell, vice Lochner, promoted.; D.0. W. Moncrieff, vice Raveuhill, promoted ; M. C. Molesworth, vice Siborne, promoted ; R. B. Rimmington. vice Akers, pro- moted; P. G. L. Smith, vice Wilkinson, promoted; E. Daniel, vice Nicholson, pro- meted.
Wan-arricx, April 6.-8th Regt. of Foot-Lieut.-Gen. it. Macneil to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. J. Duffy, dec. 80th Regt. of Foot-Lieut.-Gen. T. W. Robins to be Col. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir T. H. Browne, dec. WAR.OPPICE, April 6.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. 0. T. Ricketts, from the 52d Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Mackinnon. who retires on half-pay. 9th Light Drags.-Lieut. R. D. Upton, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice King, who exchanges, receiving the difference. 16th Light Drags.-Staff-Surg. of the Second Class W. K. Park to be Surg. vice Wood, who exchanges. let Regt. of Foot-Ensign J. Deacon to be Lieut. without purchase. 12th Foot -Lieut. W. R. Olivey, from the 91st Foot, to be Paymaster, vice liyffin, who re- tiree on half-pay. 17th Foot-J. J. Perceval, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 18th Foot- Lieut. T. Esmonde to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hilliard, who retires. 19th Foot-A. B. Morgan, Gent- to be Ensign, without purchase. 21st Foot-To be Ensign, by purchase, B. Cook, Gent. in succession to Lieut. Clark, who retires. To be Ensigns without purchase-G. W. Furlong, Gent.; E. T. Bainbridge, Gent. 23d Foot-J. Tilly, Gent.. to be Ensign, without purchase. 34th Foot-H. 6. Stewart,
Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 39th Foot-To be Lieutenants, without pur- chase-Ensign J. Daunt, from the 56th Foot ; Ensign E. Getty, from the 49th Foot. 41st Foot-Arthur Vivian B. Blanchard, Gent. to he Ensign, without purchase.
42d Foot-To be Captains by purchase-Lient. H. C. Jervoise, vice Chisholm, who
retires ; LieuL G. Fraser, vice Hon. G. H. E. Grant, who retires. 44th Foot-Ea- siy,n P. M. Pitt, from the King's Own Tower Hamlets Militia, to be Ensign, without
purchase. 46th Foot-G. Philips, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 47th Foot-S. E. Orr, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 50th Foot-Lient. R. Blacken to be Capt. by purchase, vice Gray, who retires. To be Lieutenants, with- out purchase-Ensign E. Leach, vice Jahnaon, whose promotion on the 9th Feb.
has been cancelled; Ensign R. C. Goff, vice Leach, whose promotion on the 9th March has been cancelled. 53d Foot-Lieut.-Col. T. S. Powell, from half-pay Un- attached, to be Lieut.-Col. vice Brevet-Col. W. R. Mansfield, who exchanges. 58th
Foot-Ensign J. Homer to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Hill, promoted in the Rifle Brigade; Ensign W. R. Russell, from the 55th Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Ridgway, appointed to the 94th Foot. 60th Foot- Deplit-Sergt.- Major J. Forbes to be Ensign, without purchase, and Adjt.; R. M. Hazen, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase; Assist.-Surg..1. M. Biddle, from the 43d Foot, to be Assist.-surg. vice Crerar, promoted on the Staff. 66th Foot-Assist-Sorg. C. J.
Davenport, from the Staff, to be Assist-Surg. vice Mandeville, promoted on the Staff. 79th Foot-W. A. Dobie, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 88th Foot
-E. C. Mallet, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Dunlevie, who retires. 89th Foot-Second Lieut.ffi. H. Hobbs, from the Ceylon Rifles, to be Lieut. without purchase. -90th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase- C. D. Har-
well, Gent.; G. R. Miller, Gent. 93d Foot-A. Vidler, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vice Rollo, whose, appointment has been cancelled. 95th Foot-Assist- Burg. S. H. Fasson, M.D. from the Ordnance Medical Department, to be .burg. vice Smith, deceased. 97th k oot-Enn J. Morgan, from the 4th Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase; T. W. Sheppard, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase.
Rifle Brigade-G. L. Austin, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 1st West India Regiment-Lient. J. H. King, from the 9th Light Drags. to be Lieut. vice Upton, who exchanges.
Cape Mounted Riflemen-C. J. Barnard, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Kingsley, whose appointment has been cancelled.
Staff-Major-General A. W. Torrens to be Deputy Quartermaster-Gen. to the he Provisional Depot Battalion-To be Paymasters-Capt. H. C. Watson, from the 3d West India Regt. ; Paymaster T. M. Creagh, from the 41st Foot. To be Quarter- master-Quartermaster W. Dougherty, from the 56th Foot, vice Williamson, who retires on half-pay. Hospital Staff-To be Staff-Surgeons of the Second Class-Assist.-Brag. T. C. O'Leary, from the 59th Foot, vice Jane, deceased ; Assist.-Surg. E. W. T. Mande- ville:from the 66th Foot; Assist-Burg. J. Crerar, from the 60th Foot; Surg. As Wood, M.D. from the 16th Light Drags. vice.Park, who exchanges. To be Acting Assistant-Surgeons-R. Branwell, Gent. ; F. J. Robinson, Gent.; G. L. Thome, Gent. ; 2. Maxwell, M.D. ; G. B. Bryden, Gent.
The.undermentioned officers to have the local rank of Major-General while serving with the Turkish Contingent Form-Col. A. Shirley, half-pay, Unattached; CaL M. W. Smith, half-pay, 15th Light Drags. The undermentioned officer having com- pleted three years' service in the rank of Lieut.-Col. to be promoted to be Col. in the army, in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Warrant for the Ordnance De- partment, Nov. 3, 1854-Lieut.-CoL C. W. Wingfield, Royal Artillery. The under- mentioned officers of the East India Company's Service to be promoted to a step of local rank in Turkey, while employed in the Turkish Contingent Force-Major J. R. Abbott, 12th Bengal Native Infantry, to be Lieut.-Col.; J. Ct. J. Johnston, Bom- bay retired list, to be Major; Lieut. J. V. Valentine, 2d Regt. Bengal Cavalry, to be Captain.
Memoranda.-The name of the Quartermaster appointed to the 626 Foot, on the 2d February, is Gamble and not Gandle, as previously stated. The surname of Lieut. Hewett, of the let West India Regt. is Hewett, and not Hewitt, as previously stated. The surname of the Cornet appointed to the 4th Light Drags. on the'BOth ult. is Weatherley, and not Weatherby, as previously stated.