The Earl of Harrowby is a real accession to the
Palmerston Government. It is not stated whether his appointment to be Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster is accompanied by a seat in the Cabinet; but if his colleagues perceive their true interest, they will admit him to their most intimate councils. No man could more happily and more fitly represent the public at large. Originally. a Tory in politics, " serious " in matters of religion, the Lord Bandon of that day was expected to limit his range of public action by party and sectarian views : but his life has entirely contradicted that supposition. Although nothing has occurred to deprive him of the title to Conservative, or to diminish the confi- dence in his religious earnestness, Lord Harrowby has been found to be generous towards political opponents, moderate in the prao- tioal application of his views, the reverse of bigoted in matters of religion, anxious for the improvement of the people, prepared to trust them, and, in short, representing that now considerable no- party which is formed out of the flower of all our many severed parties. Lord Harrowby unites the suffrages of the highest in rank and most Conservative in opinion, and of the largest numbers and most popular circles. His judgment is not the worse for being warmed by a good share of strong feeling where right and justice are concerned. A man of greater " talent" might have been added to the Government without bringing to it such a real accession of respect and influence as the addition of Lord Har- rowby.