Broca Excussox, THURSDAY Arras:coos.
The forthcoming Budget of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, fixed for the 20th instant, has enlisted a large share of interest this week, and a fear that a loan will be required has rather increased ; the more so as sales of Stock on public account have been very frequent of late. The appearance of the Government Broker as a seller generally suggests a similar movement on the part of others ; and the fact of several influential parties being among them has caused a decline in the Funds of I. On Monday they were kept in Week through the favourable statement of the quarter's revenue, and greater firm- ness in French Stocks ; but on Tuesday Consols receded to 921 ; and no re- action of any importance occurred until yesterday afternoon, when they rose f. on a revived rumour of an intended reduction in the rate of discount by the Bank of England. The anticipation 04 the event having been general, the announcement, this afternoon, of the rate being reduced to 4} per cent, caused only f improvement, and Consols were done at 92k. This has not been maintained, and they close heavily at 921 4. The settlement of the Account will take place on the 11th instant; which, combined with other causes, tends to render the market unsteady. Exchequer Bonds have been heavy ; and it is supposed the South Sea Company have been sellers, as they will have to realize their assets before the end of June.
The arrival of gold on Tuesday from New York amounted to 120,0001.; and the quotation of the rate of exchange augurs well for a continuation of these large remittances. The West India packet yesterday brought specie valued at 560,0001. The shipments of specie to Alexandria, India, and China, have been 150,877/. ; of which 121,3031. was silver. In the Foreign Market, there has been more activity, and a demand has existed for those securities that have just been quoted ex-dividend. The following have improved—Danish Three per Cents, lf ; Belgian and Chilian, 1; Brazilian and Mexican, f ; Venezuela is 1, and Peruvian Three per Cents and Turkish, lower.
The Railway Market presents very little alteration ; but on the whole, Shares are hardly so high as last week—though the decline in the principal lines is not more than about 58. per share. French Shares have been in demand at fuller rates; and Paris and Orleans are II., Northern of France Eastern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 15s., and Rouen and Havre 5s. better.
A general meeting of shareholders in the Great Western of Canada Rail- way Company was held in Canada on the 13th of March, and a dividend of 3 per cent was declared on the stock for the half-year. It would have been at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, but for the application of 91251. to the sinking-fund for redemption of the loan from Government. It was agreed to delay the payment of the dividend ; but the English Directors having previously advised its immediate distribution, warrants will be issued on the arrival of advices from the other side.
Tomorrow, Good Friday, the Bank of England and Stock Exchange will be closed.
The English Funds are steady this morning at the closing quotations of Thursday ; Consols for Money are 92f 11, and for Account 921. Exchequer Bills 6 9. The increase in the bullion as shown in this week's return by the Bank of England amounts to 283,8811. There is but little doing in Foreign Stocks, and the only difference is in Turkish, which is t lower, being 79t 80t. Railways are rather dull. There have been only three transactions at present—Midland, 691; Norfolk, 49; North-Eastern—Leeds, 121.
The English Funds have declined 1 since the morning, and several sales have taken place. Consols leave off at 921 jt for both Money and Account. Exchequer Bale 6 9. In Foreign Stocks, a further fall of t has occurred in Turkish ; the bargains have been at 80 791 I. Other securities are without alteration.
Railways leave off rather lower, and a disposition has existed to sell stock —Caledonian, 611 ; Eastern Union, A Stock, 32 ; Great Northern, A Stock, 73 ; Ditto, B Stock, 123}; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) '92 ; Great Western, 65; London and Blackwell, 8; London and North-Western, 99}; Midland, 69}; Norfolk, 49; North-Eastern—Leeds, 13; Ditto York, 49}; North Staffordshire, 121; South-Eastern, 60f ; Clydesdale Junction, 98; Lon- don and Greenwich Preference, 234; Aberdeen, 103 ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 115; Lancashire and Yorkshire 6 per Cent Stock, 1341; East Indian, 22e; Ditto Extension, 11}; Great Western of Canada, 17} , Namur and Liege, (with interest,) 6Sande I. Mines—Brazilian Imperial, (issued at Si. pram.,) 2t ; Ditto Cocaes and'Cuiaba, 2} ; Cobra Copper, 52; Rhymney Iron, 21; Ditto New, 6; United Mexican, 61 ; f. Joint Stook Banks—London Chartered Bank of Australia, 201; London and Westminster, 421; New South Wales, 34; Oriental Bank Corporation, 39f. Miscella- neous—Crystal Palace, 3/; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 67f ; 3 per Cent Console 92921 I
Into for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 91 1 New 3 per Cents 911 1 Long Annuities 31 Bank Stock 210 12 • Exchequer Bills 6 9 India Stock 226 9 Austrian .5 per Cents 84 7 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 ex d. Belgian 41 per Cents 93 5 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 2exd.
Danish 5 per Cents 101 3
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th 'Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 31st day of March 11345.
I Notes issued
£28,510,230 Government Debt £11,015,100
Other Securities 2,984,9(10
Gold Coin and Bullion 14,410,230
Silver Bullion
E14,553,000 3,633,450 Government Securities (inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity). £11,581,067 5,384,831 Other Securities 14,091,941 10,932,629 Notes 9,021,920 806,312 Gold and Silver Coin 695,297 £35,390,225 £35,390,225
• Including E:cheguer,Savinea-Banks, Comnilssionersof NationalDebt& Dividend Accts.
Danish 3 per Cents 81 4ex d.
Dutch 21 per Cents 62 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 91 Sex d.
Mexican 3 per Cents 21 1 Peruvian 41 per Cents 70 2 Ditto 3 per Cents 48 30ex d. Portuguese 4 per Cents .... 42 4 Russian 3 per Cents 99 101 Ditto 41 per Cents 89 91 Spanish 3 per Cents 361 7 Ditto Deferred 18
Sardinian 3 per Cents 86
Swedish 4 per Cents 86 9
Proprietors' Capital Rest
Public Deposits.
Other Deposits Seven Day and other Bills—