7 APRIL 1860, Page 10


3,LOCX EXCHANGE, THERSDAY ArrsallooN. The demand for money, although less active in the Stock Exchange, has been undiminished at the Bank, leading to the belief, that the Directors at the weekly meeting of the Court today would have established an additional 1 per cent upon the present minimum rate of discount ; the Court, how- ever, rose without making any alteration ; the rate, therefore, remains at 41 per cent. The English I unds opened heavily on Monday morning at a de- cline of an 1, Consols, 94 k for Account, and 93k 94 for Money ; better prices from Paris during the day caused a recovery to the closing quotation of Saturday. On Tuesday, the statement of Lord John Russell on the previous evening, to the effect of the probability of an European Congress about to be formed to consider the Swiss part of the Savoy question, created great ani- mation, Consols rising to 941. French prices were, however, telegraphed lower, and the quotation receded to 94 j. There has since been a rally to 941 94 consequent upon a feeling of greater confidence, added to a some- what less active demand for money yesterday and today. Bank Stock shut, India ditto, loq 1041; Rupee Enlaced Five per Cents, 971 98; Reduced and New Three per Cents, shut, but marking today for the opening, 931 en div. for the former, and 931 ex div. for the latter. At the official. close this afternoon, Consols are 941 94f, with a rather weaker market.

The Foreign Market has exhibited little signs of animation ; the trans-

actions of the week showing no disposition on the part of the public or the regular dealers to open accounts either of a bona fide or speculative cha- racter. A rise of I per cent has occurred in Mexican, owing to the late fa- vourable intelligence ; the chief business has been done in this stock, which closes 22 224 ; Buenos Ayres, Six per Cents, 84 86 ; Ditto, Three per Cents, 2425; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 91 92 ; Peruvian. Three per Cent, 70 71; Ditto, Four-and-a-Half per Cent, Uribarren, 82 84; Ditto, Four-and-Half per Cent, Dollar Bonds, 81 83; Venezuela, 261 27; Portu- guese sales have taken place to a considerable extent, causing a decline to 42 43 ; Spanish, 451 46. The new Brazilian Loan is quoted f discount to par ; but operations are limited. Chilian, Six per Cent, 102 104; Ditto, Four-and-a-Half per Cent, 84 86; Old Brazilian, 90 91 ; Sardinian Bonds stationary at 83 84 ; and Victor Emmanuel quiet, at 92 93; Turkish Stocks have not been active, and close 79 80 for the Old, and 61 62 for the New. Grenada Deferred dull, at 4/ 4/, and the Active nominally, 15 16. Money in this Market is rather dear.

A good deal of business has again been negotiated in both English and

French Railway Shares, at a general improvement in values, and although the first advance was not sustained, firmness again set in, and the final quo- tations of today show an advance all round. Great Northern, 112 113; Ditto A., 115 117; Great Western is about 1 per cent higher, 69 69k; Lan- caster and Yorkshire 1/ per cent better, 103 1031 ; London and North Western about / per cent, 981 99k; Midland Stock has been principally purchased, leaving off this afternoon at the advanced quotation of, 1171 118. London and Brighton, 110 112; South Eastern and Dover, 88 88k; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, shows a further improvement, closing 42/ 43j; Eastern Counties, 55 55f. In the French Market, Lombardo-Venetian Shares are dull, lf 11 pre- mium; but with that exception the Market is otherwise firm—Northern of France, 371 38/ ; Paris and Strasbourg have fluctuated 1 per cent, being now 241 2a1 ; Paris and Lyons, 361 37; Great Luxembourg, 6/ 6/. In- dians scarcely altered. The New Marine Companies Shares are as follows : —Ocean dull, 2113i premium; The London and Provincial, f premium ;

Universal, premium ; Turkey Bank, 1 1 discount; Buenos Ayres and San Fernando, 2 21 premium.

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The Consul Market opened this morning at a slight depreciation from Thursday's prices, owing chiefly to the unfavourable returns of the Bank of England. The Share Markets, both English and Foreign, are perfectly in- animate. Consols are 941 1 for Money, and 941 1 for May Account. Yes- terday being Good Friday it was a close holiday at the Stock Exchange.