Town-talk is about the seizure of contraband papers on the
.person of Louis Veuillot, who did not, as I understand, experience a domiciliary visit, but was simply attended from the station at Marseilles to that of Paris by a very polite fellow-traveller, with whose Ultramontane conversation the Roman pilgrim was much gratified, until a summary invitation to hand up the key of his portmanteau ended the acquaintance. Documents and De- spatches for Nuncio Sacconi, with other curious MSS., were carried off to the Foreign Offioe, and as soon as Veuillot had duly protested, and was free to depart, he sought Sacconi, who went hot foot to Thouvenel, threatening to demand passport at once if the despatches were not given up, when all that was addressed to him was restored.—Globe Paris Correspondent.