A pamphlet has appeared this week in Paris ; which, though
not official, is probably issued with the intention of accustoming French minds to regard an affiance between- Paris and Berlin. as at all events possible. The writer contends. that Brasilia's destiny is to consolidate her supremacy in Germany and beoome a great mari- time power ; that M. Bismarlr, her "Richelieu," foresaw this, and that he is now seeking a solid, faithful, and- durable alliance. He rejects Austria as weak and hostile, Russia as opposed to the extension of Prussian naval power, England as having lost the taste for hazardous enterprises, and Italy as valueless, and there remains only France. To France Prussia would offer Saar-louis, with the coal-mines of Saarbriick, and the alliance once cemented by this cession, Germany would cease to fear for the Rhine, and the rest of Europe, however fretful, would perforce remain quiet. The pamphleteer contends, moreover, that no other alliance is possible to France, the English one in particular being impossible, from the permanent conflict of interests. Once blessed with the Prussian alliance, Napoleon may labour on at the great works of peace. The meaning of all this is clearly that Prussia will. give Napoleon Saar-louis if he will stand by wkle she attacks Austria. He may, but when the conflict has began, the Rhine will be a- sore temptation.