Imperial Gazetteer is worthy of this reputation. It is, with
the "Atlas," to consist of thirty parts, price two-and-sixpence each ; and the articles are to comprise "topographical designations down to Villages and hamlets ; natural objects, such as mountains and streams; industrial works, as railways and canals ; historical and archteological sites ; camps, castles,
said ruins. Every place is described in its position, distances, and communications, and when such exist, in its history, antiquities, pro- perty, admInistration, edifices, institutions, productions. traffic, taxes, end population." This is a large programme, but it seems fairly carried Out in the two numbers that have appeared, containing 800 pages, aral only getting as far an "Grasmere." The type is clear, and the maps and plans are eapital specimens of clean engraving, and all judiciously coloured. The views will please some people, but for our part, we do. not place so high a value upon them as upon the rest of the contents, The sheet "Atlas" is to take up eigh.tont of the thirty parts, and will-be engraved on the scale of four miles to ;foie& ; the remaining twenty- two parts constitute the "Gazetteer," anclIse to form two volumes of 1,200 pages each.