7 APRIL 1866, Page 23
Poems, Pastorals, and Songs. By Francis Alexander Mackay. (Ful- .1arton.)—This
is positively too bad. In these days of education it is- not allowable to print-such verses as these :— " 'Tis Easter—the blue sky breaks, the fresh wind Through the casement sighs where the sirocco Blew, and in the garden underneath, where Hangs the golden orange on the tree, and, &a, &c., &c."
The songs are quite in keeping with the blank verse. We give ono stanza from "The Combat of Vannage," and then ,close the volume :— "A prophet and six maidens inspired, An a rock in the combatants' sight, • Invoke, by fresh treachery fired, The God of battles to prosper the fight."