The Quadrilateral (Saunders and Otley.)—Three gentlemen have combined their efforts
to produce this small volume of verses, whicla they dedicate to a friend. Thus a quadrilateral is formed, which see suppose is to stand four square to all the winds of criticism that may blow; the three seem to write mach in the same style. We are not sur- prised at this, as the style is just of that smooth kind that most mon of education can attain to. There is not the least novelty of thought in the whole volume ; the charms of the sox are duly snag, their incon- stancy duly satirized, and their frailty duly pleaded for, in the most approved modern fashion. Life and time receive the usual treatment,, and there is the proper flavouring of classical and mediaaval legend. Our authors have no reason to be ashamed of their lines, and if it were- not for those plague, fellows qui nostra ante nos dixerunt, would have achieved a great success.