7 APRIL 1894, Page 1


Tr HE Anarchists have committed another stupid and useless crime in Paris. On Wednesday night at 9 o'clock, a bomb, formed of a tin box filled with nitro-benzine and nails, which had been placed in a flower-box in a window of the Cafe Foyot, opposite the Luxembourg, exploded with a report heard over half the city. An Anarchist writer named Tailhade, a lady who was with him, and a waiter, were somewhat seriously injured, and several other persons were slightly wounded. There is, as yet, no clue to the perpetrator, who is supposed to have tried to obtain admission into the Senate, to have failed, and then to have selected the caft5 as the nearest accessible place. The greatest energy will be shown in the investigation, for the Parisians are attached to their cafe life, and thoroughly enraged at the dangers by which it has for the present been spoiled. There is nothing to be said, except that the Anarchists are accumulating a stock of hatred which will end in some tremendous blow at their party, without in the least advancing its cause or even adding to its notoriety.