The Annotated Paragraph Bible. (Religious Tract Society.)— This is a
"new and enlarged edition" of a well-known and useful work. The annotation is indeed guided by an ultra-conservative spirit. Without going into such questions as the authorship and date of the Pentateuch, or the Davidic authorship of the Psalms, we may go into the note on 2 Kings ix. 27, referring to the death of Ahaziah of Judah. "It appears probable that Ahaziah, when, wounded, fled first to Samaria, that being on the way to his own kingdom, and that, when discovered there, he was taken, or per- haps fled (!), to Megiddo, and was slain there." This sort of explanation would be intolerable in dealing with secular literature,. and to use it with the Bible discredits belief. Apart from such matters, the volume will be found to contain much serviceable information.