It seems that fresh overtures of peace are about to
be made by Germany. The inspired statements in Gorman newspapers, pre- paring the way, can hardly have any other meaning. Probably the German offer, when it comes, will again bear the ridiculous form of a gracious and indulgent concession from a victor to the van- quished. Our answer as before must be " Reparation." The German Government will rail at the folly of the Allies in refusing a handsome proposal, but before many weeks are past they will be making a third proposal. On the occasion of the first German peace offer last December we wrote
Within a few days from now we shall hear from Berlin that all thought of negotiations is over owing to the folly of the Allies in not realizing that they are beaten. This will be coupled with threats of the direst frightfulness, and assertions that Germany will never again propose terms. All the same, she will propose them, though very different terms, next spring, either before or during our new combined push in the West and East...".