THE decision of the United States to enter the war with all her will and all her resources is an event of such magnitude that we do not hesitate to call it the most important thing that has yet happened in the war. A thick and heavy cloud lifts from the horizon ; a " weather-gleam " shines through the storm, and the whole prospect brightens. We are not of those who think that because the United States may not be able to apply much military force f6r some time to come, her assistance will not be very consider. able. In every way, both physical and moral—and in war the physical and the moral are inseparable, as Napoleon was fond of insisting—her help will be vast.. Her huge population and vast wealth are now committed and dedicated. In these circumstances it is utterly impossible that Germany can win the war. Even if she starves Britain, she still will not win. A very hard struggle lies ahead, but the salving of our civilization from the most concerted attempt ever made to wreck it is absolutely certain.