There is not much fresh news of the Russian Revolution,
but as there is no longer a vigorous Censorship at Petrograd the absence of startling news is of course in itself an excellent sign. M. Rodzianko has announced that the situation on the various Russian fronts is good. The stories of breaches made in the line are quite untrue. We imagine that a vast change of the modo of government, however beneficent, cannot be effected without causing some delay in military affairs, but any temporary inconveniences will bo compensated before long by the fresh and strong motives which are behind the prosecution of the war. General Brushoff has declared that his armies are ready, and there is no doubt that the soldiers feel that Russian liberties will never be safe till the German autocracy is overcome. All the members of the House of Romanoff have been requested to leave the front, and the supreme military command has passed into the able hands of General Alexeieff.