[To THE EDITO1 OF THE SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—My attention has been drawn by Sir Edwin Pears to an article in the Spectator for March 17th entitled " The Ethics of International Punishment." As I have been largely responsible for the distribution of the pamphlet on The Basis for a Just Peace which is discussed in that article, perhaps you will allow me to remove a misapprehension which probably remains in the minds of your readers. The proposals contained in the pamphlet are not put forward as their own by the signatories to the covering letter, and the fact that a man has attached his name to the document only implies, as you will see if you refer to the letter in question, that,
" While not necessarily concurring with all the recommenda- tions, we think that so carefully thought-out a scheme as the enclosed is worthy of serious thought and discussion by all those who wish to serve their country not only in but after the war."
On the general question raised by your contributor, I would only say that the writers of this Basis for a Just Peace are less concerned to secure vengeance than to secure a settlement calculated to promote the future well-being of all peoples, and to protect the world against the recurrence of the miseries from which it is at present suffering.—I am, Sir, &c.,